Monday, April 30, 2012

Dolores Hart(God is bigger than Elvis)

I am a movie buff so last night and I was able to relax I watch a documentary on Dolores Hart, those of you who do not know who she is if your remember or even know the movie Where the boys are, she was the one who played the girl with the good head on her shoulders.  She also starred with Elvis Presley and numerous other stars of that time. She was an up and coming star and 19years old in 1958 buy the time she was 23yrs old she became an nun. The documentary is called God is bigger than Elvis and it is a wonderful story. If you have a chance, try to watch it!  Only 37 min. long but worth it! I always wonder what made her become a nun, being that she had such a wonderful career on the horizon and now I know!

Garage is clean!

So so happy, I could finally walk in my garage again, it took about 4 hours to clean and I needed to take 3 aleves for all the aches and pains, but it was so worth it! All is good right now, Brian is coming along like I said and I am so happy for him!  He might not be the same as he was but in the end I am 100% positive that he will have good quality of life which he so deserves.  My son starts his partime job at Shop rite today which I am happy for him!  He so loves to make money!  LOL  And as for me, back to the old drawing board, and another day of work and such a feel good feeling of I did what I had to do and I'm done!!! 

Friday, April 27, 2012

What day is it?

Okay here it goes, that song with the girl singing Its Friday its Friday etc etc., I know I happen to think that song is cute and the beat catchy. LOL. The one thing I know is I have a really busy weekend, have to clean the garage out big time, so that is going to be the big fun weekend. The good part will be when I could finally walk around in it!  So that makes me happy!  Funny how small things can make a women happy!  I am the type of women no jewelry needed, buy me a piece of furniture or a nice card with a beautiful saying and I am good to go! Well, like I said in store for a lot of running around and I know the weekend will fly by for sure! So to all have a great and wonderful weekend and see you all on Monday!

Good News!

Brian has been moved to Kessler, which if anyone is not familiar is a great rehab center or if not the best one.
Very happy for him on his journey back to being his self!  Still a long way to go, but its a start of helping to get the old Brian back!  God Blessed him and that is all we can ask!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day is so long!

Yikes, this day is dragging big time  and I am so bored, phones not ringing and have energy to burn.  Days like this get to me!  Oh well, when I hit the lottery, LOL in my dreams I will really be seeing the world and would want some free time like what I have right now.  I just love my dreams so much,  LOL one day!!!!

I'm Back!

And I am in one piece, with all the drama yesterday and all the mood swings I have made it! Wish me luck in hoping today will be a better day!  I love when I get things done that need to be done. It really makes my day so much more simpler. This weekend is gargage cleaning weekend. So much to do and saw little time to do it! Okay let me get back work, see ya later!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Going to be a long day!

Attitude big time today at the work place, gotta love it though.  The way I think ,I am in a good mood so that is all that matters.  No matter what happens, they could anoy me to the end I will stand strong and just take it. LOL No really I will, if they want to be a miserable human being let them!  It them not me I love what and who I am and I like being me!   Gotta go but I will be back latter to let you know if they broke me!  See Ya!!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Shih Tzu

I have puppies for sale, I always put them on pets-4-you and get calls this time not one call yet. Yikes I think I have to start doing word of mouth. Economy is really bad now. They are all boys 3 of them one is sold 2 more to go, cute as a button they are AKC litter certified and 1st round of puppy shots. $700.00 This is Bella and Benji's 3rd litter! 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Its Friday!

Yeah, so happy, Going to PA tomorrow for picture taking with the family, so that should be fun. I also have some news, not that anyone really cares, but that's okay at least I am happy, right! On my Triond site I have started to write poetry, I know boring, no it really is not It gives you a chance to tell what you feel and what you think other people might be feeling!  I have gotten some feedback and people seem to like it!  So it makes you feel good to know you are doing good in what you like to do.!  Did you understand all that lol, anyway I will be back as soon as I can be back! 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Robbie has a job!

Well almost he took the drug test and is waiting for placement, will work in Deli section of store! First real job for him other than cutting lawns. Great job while continuing his education in college!  I am really happy for him!  He loves money , who doesn't  LOL. That was good news and great news will be to have Brian get better with each and every day. Please keep the prayers going for this young man, who was once so full of life to be well again.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Long hard journey!

I feel so bad for Brian, he is not out of woods, he proceeds to go in and out of coma, I am being told by his mom!  Hopes are high, but a brain injury is one of the most horrendous injury's and the most perplex and all we can do is just wait, hope and pray for him! Like I have said before he has a long road ahead of him! No real happiness till he comes back to all that love him!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Its me again!

Just a mention, I thought if you all would like to follow me on Facebook that would be great! Not that I have a lot of blogger followers as of yet, not that exciting for sure hence the name Not so exciting maybe a little. LOL anyway it is  or if that does'nt work which it should my name is Fran Delaura Smith.  Hope to see you all in the facebook world! 

Blogger friends!

Hi Blogger friend followers,  I thought you might want to follow my Facebook page it is  I am not the most exciting person hence the blog page name of notsoexcitingmaybealittle  LOL. But I am trying my best.  I think the only exciting people in the world are the ones that have oddles of money, but I have been learning that money is not always happiness.  Oh alright, I always wanted to say that! See  you latter!

Oh yes it is!

It is 1:33pm  USA time and I am counting down to 4:30 when I am outta of here and being outside in the beautiful weather we are having! Can not wait!  I love this kind of weather just right not super hot and not cold. Like a perfect storm it is the perfect weather!

Hello everyone!

Oh my god, why am I saying that, who the heck knows why just feel like it! LOL Beautiful day here in New Jersey, and  I am stuck in the office wondering why I did not hit the lottery yet!  Only kidding, well kinda kidding I am waiting for that lottery win and than my life will be complete! I have my son and hubby, but I so want to be in Tuscany Italy with white wine in my hand on a beautiful day looking at the beautiful land surrounding me.  Oh well, a person can dream right!  One day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 16, 2012


My head is exploding, it started last night, I took aleve before bed, when I woke up I felt 100% better, Now it is starting again and I feel like just going to sleep and the sneezing is driving me crazy to boot!  Around this time of year I get this problem, not as bad as some people I know just enough to be really annoying for sure! I told my son make sure to do something I wanted him to do, and what do I find out it did not do it again!  That's even making my head hurt even more! LOL no really it is. He is a great kid, but there are times I just want him to do something on the first request not the tenth request!  Oh well, that's life! That is the life of a mom!

So many things to do!

I have so much to do It is going to keep me busy for sure!  I sell Mary Kay, I sell Avon, I want to take on  something else maybe sell Miche Bags, I love them I have a 40 week and not to mention everything else I need to do and do. What am I complaining about at least I can do it all which is a good thing.  Right!  Life is good!

Friday, April 13, 2012


Not that anyway gives a hoot , well us women do, I am talking about the statement of women working at home, of is it work to be a stay at home mom. Well yes it is work to be a stay at home mom of course it is! but the statement of Hilary Rosen was not, at least in my eyes meant to say it was,nt what she was saying and of course what I think was she never went out and work in any job, part time or full time like most women do!  For them to have it on all news channels and make this into a big debate really makes me sick! Of course this not surprise me with a election right around the corner to make this into the debate of the year!  I could think of a lot of other topics to debate than this nonsensical crap!   If it was not a democrat who said it about a republican who would even care, would it even be a story!  Hell no!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sitting here!

I am sitting a my job and thinking when is this day going to end!  I hate when I get like that, life is so short as it is and I have to get bummer days when all I want is to get them over with!  I get moody when I just want to get a new life, but the funny part is I love what's in my life now, I just get this restless mood sometimes, but it passes real quick, thank the lord for that!! Be back when I have some good and positive things to say, don't worry it will not be long, I am like the weather , any given day it or I could change!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Update on Brian!

Called my cousin to ask about Brian,  He is moving along, as I said before it will be long and ruff ride to get Brian back to the way he was!  He has a trick now and the tube down the throat is out, not talking yet, but gives winks and smiles and other gestures to let him know his feelings as of now! Time, time and more time needed, but we will get our old Brian back thats for sure!

Baked Ziti Day!

I made 4 trays of baked ziti yesterday for my senior citizen Avon customers, it was very great  knowing they will be so happy to get it!  I mention baked ziti to them one day and that was it, they said can you make it we would love to have it!  I finally did it yesterday, and it is such a feel good feeling knowing they will all be happy and enjoy eating it!.  That is the least I could do for all these kind folks and very rewarding to me also to know that just a little jester of making something for someone is so greatly appreciated! Calling all of them today to tell them I will be there tomorrow with their dinner!  LOL

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

20 minutes!

Yes, end of day is here and now some time for some R & R.  Long day, I have to call my cousin to see how Brian is making out today, everyday is I am sure another hurdle to cross!  Easter is over and back to reality! I am hoping they might have taken the tube out of his mouth but I am sure that will come with time if not just yet!  Keep fighting Brian, everyday is another day of recovery and improvement!

Monday, April 9, 2012

My son

I am in the mood to talk about my son, why I don't know, I guess because I am one of the lucky ones.  He is such a good kid, by that I mean no drinking and drugs and hanging on streets. What else can a parent ask for, really at 18 soon to be 19, he is not partying non stop and sleeping to all hours of the day! Am I lucky or what, I say I was, don't get me wrong he likes to have fun but fun to him is not about drinking and getting so messed up you cannot even stand. He is responsible to the point of knowing that if he wants to be a police officer he has to have a perfect record with no problems at all!  He loves family and he really enjoys being a part of all the occasions, all of the time.  Yes, I would say I am very lucky indeed!

Looking around on Blogspot!

Everyone has such great Blogs, and so professional looking, boy I wish I knew how to get mine to look like that! I am so computer illiterate it is sicking for sure! I have no idea whats so ever on how to put things on it other that some pics and to write my oh so boring article/blog reports! Of course you know I do not mean Brian, I mean the everyday, not so exciting blogs I post on it! But you know something, even if it is boring to all, it is great therapy for me to let out all stress and frustration I might feel with whatever is going on in my life at that particular moment!  So in that respect I guess my blog is doing what it is suppose to do, and what I want it to do for me which is vent, vent, and a whole lot more of venting.  LOL

Easter Day

First post all weekend, no chance with the holiday and all the running around!  All in all it was very nice.  Brian is on the road to recovery, do not know how badly damage his brain is as of now, but something tells me we are going to get the old Brian back!  When you are told that he is going to most not likely come out of the coma and the next day his eyes open and he understands the command of what you are saying, you have to know that anything is possible with the brain. He is a fighter for sure and I have a feel good feeling that he will be the way he used to be!  It will not happen overnight, but it will happen. 100% sure of it!

Friday, April 6, 2012

So Happy!

Brian is improving, slowly but surely he is coming along! His mom said his eyes were open and he was watching TV and is responding to request to squeeze their hand.  He has not spoken yet because he has tubes down his throat, but he is trying to push it out with his tongue. It is a start and we could not be happier for this miracle that God has given. Keep the prayers coming please because his journey is just beginning! 

Leaving work Early today!

So happy leaving early today, want to go to hospital to see how Brian is making out and see the family!
No matter how much I try to take my mind off of it, there is no way in hell I can.  I just pray a miracle will happen and he comes out of the coma. Time will tell, it just  the wait is so agonizing for all!

Good Friday!

Today is Good Friday, may all good things happen to all, and to all I love!, May God help Brian come back to all that love and need him!  I pray dear lord our savior in all that is holy!  Brian open his eyes yesterday and squeeze his dad's hand 4 times on command! The doctors still say he is in a coma, maybe he is but I truly think he is trying to come back to those he loves, and he will!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Ruff time today!

Last night I was told the news about Brian and what is going on, I wonder why I felt blank and did not express tears at that moment! I now realize I was in shock and numb and it was so surreal to me.  Today is another story. Of course I am at work and have to do what I have to do, but it is so so hard to stop crying and thinking about him and the family!  I wonder why things happen, how does God pick and choose what happens to people and why! I have to say I wish it was me and not him.  Last week I had a near fatal situation but for unknown reasons it turned out okay!  I would in a heartbeat have switch places with Brian for it to have been the other way around!  His life is just beginning, with so much for him to do and see!  The worse part is I can not accept this as being right, and for any reason at all!  Please God I do not want to loose my faith in you, I truly do not, I just need you to give me and everyone a little hope that he will be able to continue the rest of his life and experience all he was suppose to do! Please, Please, Please I pray to you dear Lord to let there be a miracle and give him back the quality of life he so deserves dear Lord of ours!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Very Sad!

Words can not describe how the people I care about are feeling right now, their son was in a motorcycle accident, and is fighting right now to come out of a coma!  God please, I know you see and hear all, please, please I beg you help Brian come back to all that love him! Please let him have a chance at a full and joyful life with his love ones!  He is a great kid with a good good heart and he is needed by all!  I pray to you, God and know you hear me and all of us in this time of need!