Need to get back to normal, if that is possible. One minute electric is on and you think great we are back to normal and than!!! You guest it off it goes for maybe 3 hours and than back on again! The good part of this story is it is coming back on. I feel so bad on what everyone is going though still in there lives. I sit here with a roof over my head with heat and electric and I am complaining about the lost of electric for a short time. Smack me in the face please, a good one real hard and make it hurt will ya! We are spoiled people at least that is the way I am feeling right at this moment! Normal is almost back for us now in my area, the beaches I grow up with are gone the rides I went on as a child are no more! My memories of my mom waiting and looking at us patiently are still there but the place where should would stand were claimed by the ocean! So so sad, words can not even explain how I feel at this moment as a tear rolls down my eyes! Being pretty much content in my life, makes changes very very hard to accept! But it really is the truth when they say you can not stop Mother Nature!