Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Rob's first day of College!

Called Rob, and said how was your first day of college, he said good, next question, did you see any of your friends from school, he proceeded in giving me a few names, than he says, mom I am not going to the book store on campus it was packed, I said okay, no problem, that is why we got all your books ahead of time, lol.  He only need one more book that was short, and he still was waiting for, I guess he went into panic mode when he saw the lines. Than he said the Professor mostly talked and they listened! That was the jest of the conversation!  What did I expect, excitement, joy to be in school, more conversation, I should know by now that getting answers to questions is like pulling tooth and nail to get LOL. I am happy in the long run to know he is in college and on to a great future for himself and hopefully his future family!  Okay, okay I am pushing it a little, and if he saw this blog he would think I am more nuts than he thinks already!  Oh well whats a mom to do!  Questions and wanting and praying for answers is all part of the motherly way,  am I right ladies?

Dream stealers!

Dream stealer's, the meaning is, people who try to put down something you are excited about and if you do not believe in yourself to the fullest steals that dream away from you! Let's say you believe in (my case Mary Kay Cosmetic, your gun ho about it and a dream stealer's starts using their negativity on you and beats you down, that is a dream stealer! It is very easy for a dream stealer to put things in your head, like your wasting your time, nothing will ever come out of that, find a real job, Stop wasting your money on this and anything there big mouths can say they will!  First thing is, find something you believe in, second thing is do not ask for advise, because it will be not what you want to hear, and third thing is to focus on your objective and that is to succeed and reach your goal!  Dream stealer's are everywhere, so remember stay away from them! God, I really need to follow my own advise, I really need to stay away from Dream stealers! LOL

Love that you follow me!

I really love that you guys follow me, but no one ever comments on all the things I say, I would love feedback, of any kind, good bad or ugly, well maybe not to bad!  I mean I will try to say more right things, but in all honesty, I can not change who or what I am any better than the next person could!  I always say to me, myself and I , that I like being me and you know what it really is not talk it is truth!
My mom was one of the most kind hearted people in the world and sometimes people like that get stepped on with out realizing it is being done to them!  I always said to myself I would not let that happen to me and guess what it has and still does happen to me! Through it all I always try to stay on the positive side of the road and just keep pushing along. It has made me a stronger person to say the least, but no matter what people try to do or say to bring me down, I still love being me, so they have not won in my eyes, I'm the winner not them!  I love that I have all the qualities of my mom.  I think kindness to others is a good thing and gets you further, not to change the subject but you know the saying right, every dog has his day, and believe you me I have seen it first hand that they get what is coming to them!  So when all is said and done, kindness and respect of others is a plus, always remember when someone is treating you maybe not the way they should be, in your mine just think to yourself, one day that dog will have his day! It works for me all the time!  LOL Later my friends!

Horoscope update (Aries) 9/5/12

Nothing like hitting it right, it reads:Your extra energy will kick in mid morning.There are things you should not do fast. Talking is one of them.   Okay, LOL now that is a horoscope worth reading, I did get out of the rut I was in and feeling (told you I am not bi-bolar) its the weather. Anyway the things I do fast is talking fast and talking to much. Sometimes logical things come out of this mouth of mine and than again loads of not so logical things come out!  My problem always has and most likely always will be not thinking before I talk!  Okay shoot me, that could be a big problem, I know but I have learned how to control this problem when need be, the talking fast part is a problem though still. Oh well a women's work is never done, so a note to me, talk slow very very slow!


To change the subject and hopefully my mood, I just remember I saw a movie of Julia Child's called Julie and Julia or visa versa, whatever anyway I finally saw the whole movie till the end after about 5 times trying to see it in its entirety and you know what it was good! Julia was never a favorite of mine growing up as a teenager (goes to show you how much I knew) I guess it was her voice that made me think her strange, but that was than and this is now and she was wonderful to say the least!  I loved the whole concept of the girl Julie writing a blog and doing one recipe a day from her cook book for one complete year! Not sure if you knew this but it was a true story of both Julie the writer and cook and Julia Child the cook!  I was disappointed in the end of movie, but that is for me to know and you to find out!  (No spoiler alert) here! I would have loved for them to ? Sorry no can say LOL  I really liked this movie even if it took me about 3 yrs to finally see the whole thing!  When you get a chance, if you have not seen it already take time to see this movie, I promise you it is really enjoyable!  Bon Appetite!  Always wanted to say that!  Isn't writing just grand!

Another low day!

You know something, I am learning each and every day how hard it is to write a blog when the only thing you are feeling is really nothing!  I know you still are thinking this women is bi-polar for sure (heck the word is probably not even spelled right) but I'm not, being a little down could be just the weather blues, rain always does that to me! I am just plain out in a rotten mood, seems I can not even crack a smile for crown out loud!  Feeling sorry for myself is really ridicules that's for sure, at least I have a job with money coming in.  There is loads of people right now that are really in trouble more so than I have ever been! It is Rob's first day of college, so I am real glad about that and you all know all the good things coming his way!  I really just have to get out of this mood that is dragging me down and call it a day! You know something it is easier said than done, because I am really trying and as of right now, right this minute, nothing is making this person come back to the real world and the land of the happy!  I will check in later to let you know if it got any better!  Pray for me will ya!  Yours truly, Fran!