See I knew it, to have a blog you need pazzaz and something interesting going on in your life, for me the only interesting thing is following the future of my son!! LOL. That is why my blog is called what it is Not so excititng maybe a little! My map was really getting green now it is only a little green boo hoo ! My blog map that is, even Russia is loosing interest in my everyday life! I guess I could lie and say a bunch of bull crap, but why its not me. The point is to let you know what everyday stuff I do which is not so glamorous at all and is the real deal! I have to figure out what will hold the interest of my follow bloggers. It for sure is not about me and my life! LOL I really to love being me, at least I could laugh at what I want and what I know is only a possibility! You know dreams and wishes do happen though, you can never say never!