Friday, October 26, 2012

Horoscope update! Aries-10/26/12

This one is good and boy does it relate to my life, It reads: You can spot irritable people at a distance. If you can't avoid them all together, you take care not to arouse antagonism on any level.  Really now how do you do that, I will tell you how!  I am around irritable people 24/7, just a statement, a question will set of fireworks that will make you say, what am I doing here!  It is so much easier said than done but you do what you have to do!  Sure I would love not to even have to deal with a person or persons like that but certain things are not under my control and being made to look stupid has been a big part of my life the last  14 yrs you kinda get used to it!  But and there is a but,  I know, me , myself and I know, I am far from stupid and that's all that really matters.  No one and I mean no one will take my worth from me come hell or high water!  Sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Try as you may, not going to happen! Oh and I forgot you could take that to the bank!


I was down the cellar putting cloths in the dryer while my son was taking a shower, that next thing I hear is flowing water, my sewer pipe has a hole in it!  Not a great way to start the day, I could not fine the number for the plumber so I had to call my mother-in-law and explain the situation at 6:30 in the morning in complete detail! So after it stop leaking I dried the pipe and put duck tape over the little hole, good thinking right! Nope not to the hubby, he said I was crazy LOL thats nothing new!  Well, the good news is the hole is right over the sun pump and  I finally got the plumber, he will be here after 3 pm today  thank God, the bad news more money! I swear when it rains it sure does pour!  No matter what  I will make this weekend as good as the past three weekends were so help me God! Latter my friends!

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Hi fellow bloggers, one more day of the daily grind and weekend is here, now all we have to do is worry about the up and coming storm next week.  The weathermen on the news are acting like this could be a perfect storm sort of thing! Not excited about the outcome of this one.  In my area if electric goes down, it takes forever to get back on! Forever for me is a couple of hours to a day, but I know people who have been without electric for days, so I really need to zip it close and stop complaining!
God forbid I cannot blow dry my hair!  The weather today looks and feels like rain, but I do not see a drop in sight!  Two more hours  to go and off to the dentist and home for the night!  I have been watching a new show on Thursdays  WB channel called Beauty and the beast, It most be about the 3rd remake of this show, but I always seem to fall in love with the beast, go figure.  Phantom of the Opera, I did the same thing I was routing for the Phantom instead of the nice boy who she love!  Boring for sure pick the Phantom.  LOL I just love to ramble!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Quite time and politics!

Home from work and just enjoying some quite time, calm and relaxed is the best! Me and the hubby looking at Chris Mathews on Msn NBC. My mom-in-law hates this channel she is a Fox news channel person.  I really believe the Fox channel has one of those swirly things with the colors that hypnotize you! LOL no seriously I think it says hate Obama , hate Obama and the swirly thing does something to your mine and the results is you hate Obama!   LMAO, The family tease my mother-in-law horribly and she gets so mad when my husband, nephew and son do that!  She once was a die-hard Democrat and now is a die- hard Republican.  I don't have a problem with anyones political views, we all have choices.  The problem I do have is, when I walk through the door, do not beat me over the head trying to change the way I see things.  I am a firm believer to each their own.  You like who you like I like who I like, that's your opinion and I have my opinion!  I have learned that politics and talk can turn out very deadly to say the least!  I do not pretend I know much at all about politics! Most of the time I pretty much feel they say what they know you want to hear and than pretty much do nothing at all!  We all have a form of tunnel vision, one way or the other!  If you talk to a Democrat they blame Republicans and visa versa!  Me I just think in 2 weeks we will know who the President will be, and than I pray please make it better, please make the changes you promise, please do not let us down again!

So far, so good!

Things are moving along so fast.  Can you believe it is almost Halloween than Thanksgiving & Christmas or whatever other holiday all my friends get to enjoy! Today I am feeling very content, if that is the right word to use!  I love when I feel like that, sometimes in life things just go as planned and it is just so wonderful!  Rob (my son) is doing great in his first year of college, no questions need to be ask because it is very obvious to us he has everything under control and he knows we are here for him!  His acting classes are going very well, and he feels he is improving on his acting also! He knows January will be here before you know it and the movie will begin filming his parts, so ready he will be! I have learned my not so exciting life might not be exciting to anyone but me, but you know what that is okay! Each and every day all that matters is family, love of life and the joys of future days to come!

Horoscope update- Aries 10-24-12

Sorry guys, there are times when I look at my horoscope and it does not relate to me what so ever, but than there are times that it is right on the money, this one is so right!
It reads Your perception of yourself will be colored by the reaction you see on the faces of others.That's why it will be important to seek like-minded peers.  How true this is, I know first hand what that feels like. I am the type of person that likes people to like me, like what I am about, like to be told I did good, like to see approval on other peoples faces.  Now the problem is there are a lot of haters out there!  I for some unknown reason in my lifetime have let them weasel into my life! You know what I mean the type of people that if you look nice, will try to say you don't, the type of people if you say green they say red, the type of people that even if they have way more than you and achieve more than you, just cannot bring themselves to route for the little guy!  Since I seem like I can never  get away from people like that, I decided to say to myself, no one, no way who ever they might be and what ever or who ever they think they are is not better than me!  I have taught myself to believe that, it took a while but it has worked for me!  There are a lot of people out there like me, but who has the time to waste trying to find them, I figure just believe in yourself, be who you are and know you are the best of the best and when the person who thinks he or she is better, laugh to yourself and say no one is better than me, absolutely no one!  It took me years to realize it, but my self esteem is now in full swing and when someone dictates to me like they know everything which believe me I know lots of those kinds of people, I turn around with a smile on my face and think what an ass hole they are and I am so much of a better person than you will ever be!  Works for me and remember just one more thing, every dog has there day and it will always come back to bite them in the ass. LOL

Monday, October 22, 2012

Super weekend!

Another good weekend to add to my last few weekends, just a little annoyance issue yesterday, but it is what it is!  Still good never the less!  Watch the Giants game, and we all know it was a nail biter but we prevailed with yet another victory 5-2. It would be awesome if we went to super bowl again!  I am feeling it, just like last year, I sure hope that feeling is right!  Robbie and my brother-in-law are in this football pool and whoever wins 6 games wins, they won all six games, which was great the problem is so did about 16 other people which makes $3000.00 goes to about $200.00 ea. so since they are partners they get about $100.00 ea. (lol) The joyous faces went a little sour on that note but a win is a win, better that than nothing at all!  I am really feeling this weather, love the crisp morning air and the beautiful day we are having today! Life is good and I hope you all agree it is great to be alive.  Love to all, talk to you later my friends!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Its raining cats and dogs!

Love that it is Friday, but this rain yikes, is it going to stop anytime soon!  Do you know what it is like to have 5 dogs that despise the rain, believe me it is not a good thing!  The 2 girls are prima donas that give me the hardest time, god forbid they get a little wet (funny how they are so much like us women with the bad hair day and all lol). The 3 boys might not like it but they go out there just like a man and get it done (no questions asked just do it with no complaints). Boys go out first (done) come in, next I say go ahead girls and they both look at me like I have 2 heads, I have to go out there with them, I guess they figure if we get wet, you dam straight are going to get wet too.  So to make this short glad its Friday but if this rain keeps going you can bet I am going to be one wet women tonight!  Whats a mom of dogs to say, no matter what, part of the family and could not picture it with out them! Have a great weekend, if I do not get back to you!!!!  Love to all!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Oh boy!!!!!!

It is turning out to be a day from hell, it really is unbelievable how a good day can turn into such a bad day!!  To many personalities for sure, makes for a really bad day!  Lottery where Art thow?  LOL  Oh, crap, just kidding, all is not that bad, its just another day to get though and the good old weekend will be here!  I just keep saying one more day, one more day, one more day!  My son calls to tell me my nephew has gotten him into selling vitamins, and guess who has to get involve, you got it me!  How do I get involve with all this stuff I will never know!  I really cannot picture Robbie asking people do you want to buy vitamins, so not him, so mom to the rescue!  I will try to give it a go, who knows this could bring in the big bucks, LOL  Yea right!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

(3:10pm) count down to home!

You all know what that means days almost over and home to the family, here I come! I don't think they mine so much, since I took the hubby's advise and left the stress at the office!  How right he was, I should have listen to him a lot sooner. I hope its not to late, you know what I mean the heart attack waiting to happen thing!  LOL, only kidding I will be just fine!   I so love chilly nights and a good movie and everyone home safe and sound and together,even the dogs love it, call me corny what could I say, I am just me and I love that about myself!  I am loving each and every day as if it was my last!  Life is good!  See ya later and have a great night or day, (depending) enjoy my friends!

My son calls me!

Hi everyone, my son Rob, which I am sure you all know by now (lol) calls me to say mom, I got an 87 on my math test.  I thought it was great, but he continued to say I wish it was higher.  I wrote an article some time last week about kids in college which this is a perfect example of what I was saying! The stress of passing and doing good, the stress of failing.  He wanted to do better, I get it but it was a good grade and I let him know that!  It was bothering him, and I am so happy he reached out about it and as a parent I or his dad was there to let him know, you did good, and we are proud of you!  I am so enjoying this experience of Rob's college years, it is another journey for him as well as for us!  So glad he knows we will be there for him every step of the way! Being close by and physically seeing him works for us! No regrets whats so ever that he went to a local college!  Another proud article from a proud parent!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Day almost over!

Yeah, made it through another day, the debate is on tonight as we all know, wonder who will kick butt tonight with all the bullcrap from both sides!  And the winner is? how funny is that, it always turns out to be who came off as the best speaker and not about the issues!  I love being an american, but sometimes I hear Italy calling me saying come, come sit in my villa in Tuscany and have a nice glass of white wine and just relax!  LOL Just a dream my friends only way it could or would be real is if I hit the lottery and we all know the chances of that happening!

Still on cloud nine!

Still floating in the clouds, from all the weekend activities, even being at work cannot get me in a bad
mood! Look it is already Tuesday , before you know it, Fridays is here!  Not much to talk because all I seem to think about is our surprise party!  I was saying a few minutes ago that work could not even ruin my day, but something just blew in that really could change all that! LOL. You know what life is good, even if it is not an everyday thing but when all is said and done, there will be a silver lining in the end, I promise you I will make sure of it!

Monday, October 15, 2012

The suprise of our life! (thank you son)

How could I put this, I have to be one of the most proudest moms in the world, on Saturday we (my husband and self) thought we were going to a surprise Birthday party in a hall. When the doors opened up it turned out to be a party for our 30th wedding anniversary!  My husbands mouth was open and all I could do was cry!  We never in our life would have thought that our son Robbie (who is only 19years old) would take it upon himself and set forth his plans on putting this party together and making sure it was a huge surprise with help from family!  It is not that we do not know we have a great kid who cares about family and friends, it is that he is young  a boy which usually the girls of the family always put together the surprises for the moms and dads!  People all night were saying what a great kid he is and we raised him good!  I truly thank you all, but I have to give the credit to Robbie, with being who he is from within which makes him the person he is!  We Love you dear son of ours and we are truly are blessed to have you in our life!  To all friends and family thank you for sharing in a special moment in our life's that was a surprise of a lifetime for me and my husband! 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Aries (Horoscope update( 10-12-12

It reads and I quote: Once in a while, you suspect that being good is seriously overrated.  I really do agree with this one, nice people majority of the time do finish last!  Now mine you there are lucky nice people who have surrounded themselves with other nice people, I on the other hand have not always been so lucky (which I again can not say, but one day I might) being nice for me has sometimes only given me a headache and heartache.  You see when your nice, people will take advantage of you, you will be the punt of a joke because you try to hard or something might come out the wrong way, you try to make people laugh with you, the next thing you know they are laughing at you! Loads of bad people succeed, why because they put this facade in front of them and be something or someone they really are not!  They are the furthest thing from being who or what they really are!  I do not want to say what they are (not nice words at all)but if you good read my mine, you pretty much would guess it, for sure (lol). I have had plenty of experiences of not nice people, and I have learned by experience that what goes around comes around and there is hope for nice people to finish first and not last!  Whats the saying every dog gets their day!  Believe me,its true be yourself it will pay in the long run! On that note have a great and wonderful weekend!

Fall, Friday, fun and memories!

What could a person ask for, Beautiful weather, its a Friday,and the start to a great weekend with football Sunday, Giants and 49's on the horizon.  Love weekends like this, no drama in site.   Since therapy, on neck the tension spots are less, thank the lord, which makes me a happier person in the long run!  After work today going to Trader Joes with the hubby in Westfield. It is such a nice town with a great shopping area with a lot of  restaurants and loads of people around on a Friday night patronizing it! The people of Westfield really do know how to support their town, which is really a good thing.
I have to tell you all, I just feel so content for once and my plans are to stay that way, leave all stress at the workplace and stay worry free is such a good mine set to have.  I have a lot to live for a husband who is not perfect (and neither am I) but no matter what I put him through is always there for me, a son that is really a great kid, and does what needs to be done (even if I have to ask him a few times before he does it) but if that is really all I have to worry about in the long run than I am one lucky women!  I have lost a lot of love ones, and the holidays bring back the overwhelming feeling of loss, but I get this smile on my face when I remember them and all the good times we shared!  Memories are special indeed!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Moving along!

That's what I do, just one more day added to the daily grind!  I play my lottery hoping like all of us, hoping  that when I look down at them my numbers will match theirs, LOL.  I know, I know but a person could dream right!  I will never give up that dream and I promise you one day I will get on this blog and tell you I hit it the big one!  Life is good and I am happy with what I was blessed with, but a little extra fun along the way will not hurt!  This week flew by big time which is good because another fun filled weekend is on the horizon and I am ready for it!  I like to give updates on my son, he still going strong in school and I am so happy about it!   Acting school is coming along good also and getting him ready for Jan. when his part begins, that's when he will be super busy!   Getting really excited about it!  Halloween right around the corner and getting ready for that!  I started buying the candy and it seem I am buying everything I like, not such a good Idea, I do not want the leftovers on this one!  Its funny, with the lap-band you could eat junk food but for me the proteins like chicken and beef I have a problem with! So promise to my self  "NO CANDY", repeat "NO CANDY" , okay who am I kidding absolutely no one! Later my friends!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Do you really care!

Hi my friends , sorry been so busy with running around and all, that this was very first time I have a chance to just breath!  I went to a college game in Delaware and had a great time on Sat. my cousins son did great!  Great weather for the tailgate party with family, was a lot of fun to reconnect with everyone! Did I tell you that, don't think so, having a senile moment, lol!  My 30th wedding anniversary was yesterday so we went to a nice restaurant called Autoro's in Maplewood NJ. They have all organic bread and cheeses and the best pizza!  They have this appetizer which is their own homemade bread with ricotta cheese and a drizzle of olive oil that was to die for!  They have a lot of specialty pizza pies, the one we had was called (shoot I forget) but everything on it was fresh tomato and mozzarella and all seasonings were fresh!  Awsome, for sure but because of Lapband I only had 1/2 of slice of pizza and 3 bites of the bread! Enough to wet the pallet so to speak!  Going on 3 years with band so do not feel sorry for me, I am really use to it by now! Lets say I never walk out of a restaurant over stuffed. LOL gotta go, till next time love to all!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Tossed and turned!

Had a great weekend and Sunday morning slept in late, the problem was Sunday night, all I did was dream of loved ones gone and tossed and turn all night! The good news is all I dreamed of was the people I loved and cared about the most, this blog is for them. My grandfather, the first man I ever loved with his warm smile I will never forget, My grandmother, who I cried for days on end knowing I will never see her in this lifetime again, My mom, my greatest supporter who loved me for me and was there for us all the time, God let you stay with us till we were grown and with families knowing we would be okay! My father-in-law, had a stern look but was there for you whenever you needed him. My sister-in-law Patty, a quite soul with a heart of gold, gone to soon, Mr Baird a big part of the family who would tell his jokes and make everyone laugh, even if he told them a million times, My dear Aunt Connie, she would be there for me in a minutes notice if needed and her Birthday calls to me each and every year to say Happy Birthday Fran, and to my Father, to all the what ifs and the could have beens if all was different in our lives!  Tossing and turning was okay last night I was with those I loved and missed the most in this world, the tears flowed even in my not so sound sleep, I know this because my pillow was wet with tears!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The to do list!

Love when my to do list is complete and job well done, well at least to me it is well done! LOL  I love when I accomplish what I set out to do, at work or at home, the same feeling no matter what!  Getting myself mentally ready for a busy weekend to come.  Going to Delaware to see a college football game, first of the season for me.  Fall and football is a great combination, you have to agree!  Lots of running around with family and friends makes my days and life complete.  I was feeling in such a slump for the last few weeks, so glad it has passed and if you ask me why did I feel like that, lots of reason but in all honesty it really was not in my control!  My Husband most of the time stays out of things but he saw how it was affecting me and decided to get involved. He told me you do the best you could do with what you have, that is all you could do, I decided to listen to him, (which is really not often, lol) so glad I did!  Thank you hubby of mine of almost 30years come Oct. 9,. I might not tell you I love you very much but I do! My Italian crazy ways, I am sure drive you nuts, but you stuck with me though thick and thin and that is all that matters!  Five to six years from now you and I will sit together on a bench watching the waves roll in at the Jersey shore if faith allows!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Its ruff when?

When you have a husband that gets right to the point, for example I am the type that takes each day as it comes and make plans in advance and age is not on my mine unless brought up to me!  I find with my hubby that when age comes up he will come out and say things like , you have only 20 good years left, or that you are over the half way mark.  I am 56 years old and I feel better than I did at 30, now that's how I feel, him on the other hand(by the way he talks) acts and I am sure feels a whole lot older and he is going to be 50. Why else would he always talk about age if he felt great!  I exercise and take vitamins and run around like a chicken with out a head 24/7. I plan for the future because you know what, I have one no matter how short or how long it may be, I will enjoy it till my last dyeing breath so help me God!  When I was a kid I would sit there and calculate how old I would be in the future, I would say the year 2000, I would sit there and figure out how old I would be that year, half the time I thought I would be dead already, lol (remember I was just about 12 yrs old or so at the time). I learned as time goes by not to worry about it and take each and every day and love life, now if only I could do that for the hubby and get him out of the doom and gloom mode all would be good!  I plan on being around for a while and hope he is up for the ride!

Debate time!

Tonight the big debate we are all waiting for!  The who could out talk over one another and who will have the biggest personality! I just hope that does not overpower the issues on hand and the problems this country already has! We need help and fast, we do not need promises that will not be kept!  We need things done not talked about!  Who do I think will come out ahead, not a clue but I do know that promises do not cut it any more and getting it done does!  My son is register to vote, for the very first time, he has his own view's and is not swayed by my myself or his fathers view's and that's the way it should be! This is not a baseball team or football team that happens to be your parents favorite and because your child grew up knowing only that, it becomes theirs also!   This is the future of the country and his or your child have a right to their own opinion,  as it should be! I will pay attention, will I think that this debate will really matter in the long run!  You tell me, has it ever matter before!  Sometimes yes most of the times no!  Talk is cheap, well not really because in the long scheme of things the people, we being the people pay for it!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Teaching myself!

I am trying to teach myself how to stay calm and relax. I am so tired of feeling like I have all the worries in the world, when in all honesty it should not be my worries at all!  I have been going to physical therapy for a back problem and when the therapist does my shoulders and neck he said it is so tight and knotted up! Its pretty much the stress of the day that brings it on!  After he massages my neck for about 10 min. I feel so much better only to have it return and be just as tight the next time I see him.  So now I am trying to stay calm, cool and collected no matter!  I sometimes feel like I am a heart attack waiting to happen!  I want to nip it in the bud, of course before it does happen, but lets say I don't and it does and I live through it to survive, changes in my life really will happen I promise you that! Of course if I do kick the bucket at least you will know what I was thinking that "being all the should haves and could haves and the why didn't I's ". LOL

Monday, October 1, 2012

Change of plans for college!

My son Rob decided to change his major in college to Physical Therapy, which I think is a great idea with a big (huge demand) out there for therapist .  He will finish his 68 credits at UCC than proceed to go to Kean or Montclair University to continue to get his Masters, with luck I hope he will continue with getting his Doctorate! We shall see time will tell with the Doctorate part of it!  My husband and myself are really glad on his decision!  Of course his dream is be in Law enforcement and he will continue his quest for that! He said Physical Therapy is his back up plan.  I still think it is the other way around but once again time will tell that also!  He goes to school each and every day with no drama and his focus is amazing to me!  I expected a lot more of negativity on his part, which I am so glad did not happen! The truth is  (as I see it)  when you want to succeed and be successful you can, my son Rob is showing me that anything is doable as long as you want it bad enough! He wants it very bad, and he is pushing full stream ahead!  He is so unlike me in that respect and I am so glad he is the way he is!  He truly is making us very proud parents!