Monday, August 13, 2012

A little dap will do ya!

Why did I say that, I don't know just felt like it, it popped into my head and the next thing I know I wrote it down!  LOL  I than said to myself a little dap will do ya and I thought , a good laugh, fun times, a great pet, a new love in your life, anything with happiness and joy, that saying always made me feel like that so I guess because I am so happy right now I just felt like saying it!  Now my next thought is did I spell it right, the word fixer upper thing did not even come close to what I think it should be spelled as so I just kept it as it is!  Just a thought and a fun thought at that, A little dap will do ya, is just that! A dap of this and a dap of that makes for a great dap of a day!  Maybe it should be a b on Dab! LOL Okay I lost it for sure now!!!!!  Oh who cares anyway you all know what I mean!  Love to all and to all a good nite!

Horoscope update (Aries) 8-13-12

Well I have to say this update has to relate to another Aries because it sure is not me! LOL
It reads: You've been enjoying plenty of unscheduled time.  Now it's time to get back into a routine and get busy with various projects.   ( Are you talking to me, are you talking to me) forgot what movie that's from, just picture me saying it with a Italian stallion kinda of attitude LOL! I did not even get started yet(vacation that is) and they are telling me it is all ready over!  Noooooooooooooo not yet at least give me my week, than you could say that to me! I promise after the week you could Let me at em again! No really I promise, cross my heart and a kiss to God!  Amen!


Home stretch is right around the corner, my work day will be over and on to Tuesday,  I see this week flying by big time!  So much excitement going on, I hope my heart can stand it!  You know it feels really good to be in a great mood, and not the same old, nothing to look forward mood, I sometimes let myself get into or should I say most of the time. When the doors open up for people I love that's good enough to put me over the top so to speak!
I mean I know I am over the top already LOL but this over the top is so different! This is like the song from The sound of music (back to that again LMAO) The hills are alive with music. I feel like that right now, I just want to savor the moment because we all know it does not last forever!  If only it could!

Feeling Overwelmed!

I really am feeling overwhelmed right now!  Robbie's agent called me, Filming the movie will take a year and he has so much on his plate with school and work but I have to believe all will be well!  She also wants him to go to acting class on Tuesday night starting the second week in Sept.  She is getting the shooting dates for the movie so he could have the schedule and his job could work around it!  I am so nervous and I don't even know why, I guess I am more nervous for him than anything else and I have to believe that everything happens for a reason and it is just destiny!  Why did everything have to happen all at once is my question?  We will be there and help him though it all, do not worry about that!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sunday Nite!

Hello everyone, It is Sunday night , I had such a good weekend but all good things come to an end! All good though because vacation is 5 days away and off to California (okay how many times have I told you that) LOL" I don't care I would love to be Julie Andrews from the movie Sound of Music and be standing on that mountain screaming it!  Only kidding I thought that sounded good!  All kidding aside as soon as vacation gets here, we all know it will be over as quick, but that's the way of life, right!  Just so excited because have not been on a vacation or a plane for quite a while, feeling a little overwhelmed right now!  Everything is packed, just have to get our son's Robbie's stuff together and a little odds and ends and all is a go! I weighed luggage and I am on target,  1- bag weight is 18lbs and my other is 38lbs just have to weight Rob's.
Bags cannot weigh more the 50lbs so I am on target thank you lord! Okay all, I know the same old bull crap, what could I say this is my life.  Sorry, no jet setting for this girl, just little old me!! Love to all and sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Seriously! Bad mood 2

I get so mad at my husband, he really is a great guy, the only problem is when he sets his mind on something, no matter what you say to him it goes in one ear and out the other!  When it comes to his health, my mouth does not stay shut, and I do not care how many arguments we have. He is not I would say on a diet he changed his eating habits which is great. That's not the problem the problem is now he feels that is all he could eat or he feels sick!  He eats and I state: 1-chicken breast with bone and bake potato for midday and for dinner he eats 1 sirloin hamburger and bake potato, seven days a week going on over a one and a half year period of time and still going strong. Sometimes on occasion he will eat something else (like on a holiday) He lost a ton of weight, which is great but now he is losing to much weight and looks not healthy and it worries me a lot!  Now the fighting begins, because this is a problem he has for years on end!  My husband has no middle ground its either one way or another. His problems with this stems years back and when you think he has things under control, his episodes start again.  It really could be ruff for those around him to see what is happening and ruffer when you start to voice your concern about it!  I figure let the arguments begin, as long as it is for a good cause!  Life or death to me is a good cause and well worth it! I was debating on whether to post this, but this is my life and it is a big part of what is happening and a very real concern for me.  End of story!

Movie Script!

Rob's movie script was e-mailed to him last night, he is really excited about it!  Lots of action and has a story line that relates to believing in God!  It is a ruff and tumble movie but in the end all can relate to it!  An Independent movie is a lot different than the movies with big budgets.  Even with that being said this is a great chance for him to get his face out there and be notice!  What ever comes outta of it, it will be a great experience for him!  A lot of work will go into it and he wants to give it his all!  You should have seen his face when he was reading it, priceless for sure!  I am one nervous mom here, and I told him the gun scenes had better have blanks in those guns. LOL  Just because he is in a movie does not mean I will not be a worry ward!  He will always be my baby!