Monday, May 14, 2012

Hate Mondays!

I really am beginning to hate Mondays more and more with each coming week! I just need to sit in a chair with a nice cup of coffee and breath the fresh air and enjoy life!  I just want to enjoy life without the everyday stress of work.  I am not a sit down, lazy person that does not want to work, but I want to do something I enjoy doing! Life is not a bed of roses and I am not that naive that it is, but there has to be a better way than this. There is no sense in complaining I know that and I am very happy I have a job that I truly enjoy but we all know there is always a but or a what if.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sunday night!

Had a wonderful weekend, was the best in a very long time! I am now ready for Robbie's graduation party in June , backyard is done, and Mom's Day was great spend time with family I love and that is all that matters to me!  My son gave me a dozen roses, box of candy and a beautiful card, but what really made my day great is seeing the joy on his face when he presented me the gifts it was priceless indeed.!   I am completely happy right now!  Goodnight my friends!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Boerd right now and missing my mom!

I already went grocery shopping, and took care of dogs , now what? I cannot believe I did some things I always do on weekend. Tomorrow I will be in the back yard weeding and cleaning lawn furniture , concrete .
Also need to put 3 large canopy's up. I love when I do productive things, really makes my day.  My sister is coming over for some hamburgers and hot dogs later in the afternoon. By that time should be dead on my feet!  We are taking my Mother-in-law out to breakfast on  Mothers Day. She enjoys the breakfast part of going out the  most, at least that is what she told me. It does not take much to please her, she is really a very good person and I am very fortunate to have her as a mother-in-law. My mom passed away when my son Robbie was 18 months old he will be 19 years old in June.  I miss her and she will always be in my heart!  Happy Mom's Day mom, until we meet again than I will lay my head on your lap and you would rub my head like you did when I was a child!!!  One day mom one day! I love and miss you so.  Hugs and kisses always!

Mothers Day!

What an idiot I am, I forgot to wish everyone who is a mom or going to be a mom or who have dogs cats and pets at all, a great big wonderful and joyfull Mother Day!! XXOO

So happy it is Friday!

Wait don't I say the same thing every week, like almost everyone in the world. lol Oh well I might as well join the club, nothing else better to do!!  Like I said I am waiting for the Lottery win, wait a minute so is everyone else in the world. LOL  I am in one of those moods today to just laugh and smile, thank God for everyone around me, because yesterday was a bad bad day!  The smile in my picture is the way I feel today, and with a pretty nice weekend in the forecast it should be really nice.. Please God let me stay happy all day I beg you!!!!!   You know what it is up to me not God and I promise myself nothing and no one will get me to that point today so help me God!!  See I still need God no matter what!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

9:20 pm Thursday night!

Hi to all, Just watch the American Idol and no surprise Holly is gone!  I really liked her, but she will be fine and I am sure you will hear of her again!  Just felt like writing a little even if I really do not have much to say!   You heard me not much to say lol, that's a surprise for sure!!  You know what I bought glasses with a prescription and I am still having a ruff time typing from my keyboard and seeing the screen. They are pretty much for reading but I guess I have to be closer to the screen to see clearly, go figure.  Went to wake last night My husbands Uncle passed away, such a nice man he was!  It really excuse the language sucks to get old!. You  are young and than before you know you are old!  Growing up I always had respect for older people, knowing that when my time comes I want the same respect given to me!  My son Robbie said mom I have to work on Sunday and there are a lot of  cranky old women that work that day. I said  who told you that, he said one of the other kids.  I said Robbie, You have a grandmother that gets cranky and you understand that, the person that told you that is a kid that can not related to older people and you on the other hand do!  Respect and appreciate them, because in the future you will want the same thing!!  I think he gets it now!  Oh well  have a great day or night where ever you may be!  For me it is night and I am going to jump in bed for another day of work and hopefully a calm day!!!

Brian Birthday is almost here!

Brian's recovery from near death is a miracle, I truly believe, and now his birthday is on its way, and when he should be getting gifts, the biggest gift of all is having him here with all that love him!  Happy Birthday Brian and may God continue to bless you on a speedy and full recovery!!  Thank you for the gift of you!!  XXOO  XXOO   XXOO