Thursday, May 3, 2012

Still not in a good mood!

I am trying to snap out of it to no avail.  I think knowing a possibility of having to spend $2000.00 is making me sick to my stomach.  To top it off my hubby says from now on we have to keep and hold on to all receipts of charge card invoices. He always does that when, he feels he is loosing control of what is being spent. The problem is he sits on the couch and buys everything in site like pots and pans, I do not need and containers to hold leftovers, I do not need and what ever takes his fancy on HSN or QVC.  Oh I forgot is a new favorite of his. LOL After all is said and done he continues to blame me for buying things. I am the one yelling all the time to stop buying things we do not need.  He insisted on buying a camera because he liked this one.  I think it is our 3rd one. Can you tell me something how many camera's do we need. LOL  Oh one more thing, the new camera we bought about 6 months ago is still sitting there because it is not as easy to use and the host on Qvc was doing!   Shoot me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I told you I like my blog to vent!  Who wants to listen to this one on one!

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