This one is a good one, I like: It reads, It's time to tell that certain person who keeps trying to put you into a specific box that no one defines who you are but you! How right it is, I have one certain person in my life that really if I let him/her do that to me will. But you know what, I am a lot stronger person now than when I first started out on my journey, and no one will define me but me. Oh and about telling that person, why should I, actions speak louder than words! I will never let a person ever, think they are better than me, I could give a hoot who you are, we all eat, breath, and excuse the word (shit) the same way! You have to know who you are to let your self esteem back into your life to know that! It took years of embarrassment and not feeling like I belonged for me to realize that, some horrible experiences and memories till this day, have made me a stronger person, not weaker! Always remember the worst of the worst is in the past, keep it there, The people or person who tried to bring you down, only made you stronger, it did me! I define myself and I know what and who I am. And to that person I say thank you! Lesson well learned!
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