It is one of those days, not having much to say, I don't know why, I'm in the greatest mood and no problems at the work place, but it is still one of those days. All my excitement was yesterday and today I guess I am back to reality! I wonder why that happens you go from highs to lows! I know the Bi-bolar thing, which I really do not believe I have. Again the antsy feeling I have like something is a coming and you wish it would get here already is back! There are so many times I could just keep writing and things just keep on coming and right now is not one of them! I am a worry ward and I worry about everything! Trying to make everyone happy could be a very consuming job! What really kills me is half the time you are just getting on everyones nerves because you are to (whats the word to use) anal or particular about everything. Me and my husband butt heads a lot! Complete opposites to say the least! I go into a room turn on the light, than turn it off when I leave. Not him! One time I came home to every light on in the house! PSE&G made loads of money off of me/us that night! I talk till I am blue in the face and no one listens. I really sometimes get emotionally drained by it all! I always have to ask the question, Is it me, or is it that I just want perfect 24/7. Who knows, I could debate this forever, but right now I don't have the time! But between you and me, I would have to say it is everyone else. LOL Bye!!!!
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