Wednesday, December 19, 2012


I sit here and try to go about my day, I do fine and than waves of saddest overwhelm me time and time again!  I did not know any of the loss souls that perished in the Sandy Hook elementary school, like so many of us but now they are a part of me !  Holidays are around the corner and we all have to go about our business, celebrate, smile, go on as always, that is the way of life, the old saying is life goes on, no ifs and buts about it.  My promise to myself is that each and every time I feel sad, I will remember all the angels smiling down on me, I will feel their hugs and warmth all around me and let them bring light and happiness into my life. I feel, that God would have never taken them away, for no reason at all, I have to believe there is a purpose and a reason. I believe in angels, and it comforts my soul to know that 27 more beautiful angels will be opening their wings and give warmth to my heart and soul. 

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