Friday, August 10, 2012

Seriously! Bad mood 2

I get so mad at my husband, he really is a great guy, the only problem is when he sets his mind on something, no matter what you say to him it goes in one ear and out the other!  When it comes to his health, my mouth does not stay shut, and I do not care how many arguments we have. He is not I would say on a diet he changed his eating habits which is great. That's not the problem the problem is now he feels that is all he could eat or he feels sick!  He eats and I state: 1-chicken breast with bone and bake potato for midday and for dinner he eats 1 sirloin hamburger and bake potato, seven days a week going on over a one and a half year period of time and still going strong. Sometimes on occasion he will eat something else (like on a holiday) He lost a ton of weight, which is great but now he is losing to much weight and looks not healthy and it worries me a lot!  Now the fighting begins, because this is a problem he has for years on end!  My husband has no middle ground its either one way or another. His problems with this stems years back and when you think he has things under control, his episodes start again.  It really could be ruff for those around him to see what is happening and ruffer when you start to voice your concern about it!  I figure let the arguments begin, as long as it is for a good cause!  Life or death to me is a good cause and well worth it! I was debating on whether to post this, but this is my life and it is a big part of what is happening and a very real concern for me.  End of story!

Movie Script!

Rob's movie script was e-mailed to him last night, he is really excited about it!  Lots of action and has a story line that relates to believing in God!  It is a ruff and tumble movie but in the end all can relate to it!  An Independent movie is a lot different than the movies with big budgets.  Even with that being said this is a great chance for him to get his face out there and be notice!  What ever comes outta of it, it will be a great experience for him!  A lot of work will go into it and he wants to give it his all!  You should have seen his face when he was reading it, priceless for sure!  I am one nervous mom here, and I told him the gun scenes had better have blanks in those guns. LOL  Just because he is in a movie does not mean I will not be a worry ward!  He will always be my baby! 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Horoscope Update(Aries) 8-9-12

Wow I like this one, seems so exciting and mysterious, it reads (drum role please) : A strong inner will guides you, and it seems to be making plans so secretive that you do not even know about them until you are in full swing!  Now tell me people does that not sound good!  It makes me think what am I doing different in my life that might make it a little bit more exciting, my conclusion is my blog it is gaining momentum each and every day ,which to me is a big deal!  No big money but so what, I love that people could find just a nobody and think just a little she is interesting to say the least!  I have to admit an Inner will inside of me wants me to be good at something and writing these little messages makes me think, boy Fran I think you could do this!  Who would have thought!  We shall see my friends and time will tell!

No I'm not dead!

Hi everyone, busy today at the work place, just the way I like it!  First chance to get to say hi and fill you in on a little news!  Last night my son was putting something away in the garage and catastrophe hit, the bridge of his nose that is! His nose he said is getting bigger by the minute.  He is really driving me crazy with the talk of his nose! LOL  It is a little swollen right now , ice was applied and he will be as good as new by the time we leave on vacation! You, try to tell a 19 year old that its like talking to a wall!  He just stop by my office and said mom I need money for lunch and am going to eat my lunch with my big nose!  LMAO I said Robbie your nose is not any bigger than it was yesterday but remember the wall, still there! His world is coming to an end, really.  Well enough said of Rob's nose, stay tune to the drama as it unfolds.  He spoke with his manager and when he was getting the script for his movie part and she said soon, there will also be improv used which means that actions and speech come out spontaneously, he was not happy with that, I said are you kidding that's great you just go with the flow and reacted to the situation, so much more easier than remembering lines, you will love it, you stay in character and just go with the flow!  I just ate lunch, had Chili from Wendy's, now back off to work and let the day just keep moving along! Love to all! Later alligator (corny)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

One of those days (again)

It is one  of those days, not having much to say, I don't know why, I'm in the greatest mood and no problems at the work place, but it is still one of those days.  All my excitement was yesterday and today I guess I am back to reality!  I wonder why that happens you go from highs to lows!  I know the Bi-bolar thing, which I really do not believe I have.  Again the antsy feeling I have like something is a coming and you wish it would get here already is back!  There are so many times I could just keep writing and things just keep on coming and right now is not one of them!   I am a worry ward and I worry about everything!  Trying to make everyone happy  could be a very consuming job!  What really kills me is half the time you are just getting on everyones nerves because you are to (whats the word to use) anal or particular about everything.  Me and my husband butt heads a lot!  Complete opposites to say the least!  I go into a room turn on the light, than turn it off when I leave. Not him!  One time I came home to every light on in the house!  PSE&G made loads of money off of me/us that night! I talk till I am blue in the face and no one listens. I really sometimes get emotionally drained by it all!  I always have to ask the question, Is it me, or is it that I just want perfect 24/7.  Who knows, I could debate this forever, but right now I don't have the time!  But between you and me, I would have to say it is everyone else.  LOL  Bye!!!!

Good good morning!

Hi all, a great big beautiful day is here, hump day as we all call it middle of week with 2 more days to go till the weekend!  I have to say my weeks are flying by big time!  Next Friday at 2:30 I will leave work and off on vacation to CA. The week will fly by, positive of that but fun times will be had!  But a break I need and when I come back I will be good as new!  There is nothing like a tuneup right! LOL Trying to get Rob, set up with his school books for college before we go! Hoping to get his script for movie before we go, so much going on and feeling a little overwhelmed, but in a good way!  Life is good when busy this way you know you are not dead!  Does that sound right? Oh well thats Fran (me) talking and do I ever make sense, I think not! Later my friends!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Trying to eat but Rosie Girl wants a little bit of tuna, I hate to see her looking at me!  It feels like your child is starving and begging for food! I need to know if people food for dogs is no good, right!  One day when I get a chance I have to really find out in those myth books if it is fact or fiction!. Only kidding. Rosie is not allowed people food, and its for the best.  Not meaning to change the subject but I forgot to tell all, I wrote Rob's monologue for his audition, It must have been pretty good it helped with getting the part!  I made it real ruff, going with (since he plays a Duff guy with no feelings at all) I will blow your  effing brains out, you could beg all you want, you will need more than God to help your ass get out of this and so on!  You have to remember it has religious undertones in this movie and the star of the show refuses to believe in God! I also added since Rob's character is a ladies man, when he walks away he puts his arm around a women and says come on baby than stops looks back and points his finger in the position of a gun and he say remember tomorrow or and makes his fingers bounce like a gun goes off!  Now please know this is a monologue not me LOL. But it help get the part and that's all that matters.