Monday, March 26, 2012

My Bella!

Bella, my Shih Tzu had her puppies today.  She had 3 boys and they are such cuties, next step is to put them on Internet and sell them.  One I am pretty sure is sold only have 2 to sell! This is 3rd time breeding, I always sell them real quick!

Guardian Angel!

Do you believe? I do, especially after my brake fuel line broke and myself and no one else got hurt! I realized that when you walk out your door, there is a chance you might never see those you love again or them you! I was told ,I not only have 1 guardian angel I have 3 and I really believe they were with me that day! So I do thank you for keeping me safe along with those others that could have gotten hurt if my brakes were lost at a different time.