Thursday, October 25, 2012


Hi fellow bloggers, one more day of the daily grind and weekend is here, now all we have to do is worry about the up and coming storm next week.  The weathermen on the news are acting like this could be a perfect storm sort of thing! Not excited about the outcome of this one.  In my area if electric goes down, it takes forever to get back on! Forever for me is a couple of hours to a day, but I know people who have been without electric for days, so I really need to zip it close and stop complaining!
God forbid I cannot blow dry my hair!  The weather today looks and feels like rain, but I do not see a drop in sight!  Two more hours  to go and off to the dentist and home for the night!  I have been watching a new show on Thursdays  WB channel called Beauty and the beast, It most be about the 3rd remake of this show, but I always seem to fall in love with the beast, go figure.  Phantom of the Opera, I did the same thing I was routing for the Phantom instead of the nice boy who she love!  Boring for sure pick the Phantom.  LOL I just love to ramble!!!