Friday, May 4, 2012

Weekend is upon us!

And if weather allows I will be getting things done for my son's Graduation/birthday party on June 16th in the backyard of my home. Want to do my large planters in yard and get some flowers around I also have 3 large canopy they need to go up! If rain does come I will work on the inside instead. Love when things work out and everything goes as plan, not like the Drama of yesterday when you think you need to spend a lot of money you do not have.  Life is good and I love all around me.  Well if you ask my husband that yesterday, I do not think he would have agreed with me on that one. LOL Oh well ,today is another day right, and I am a women after all, and what do women do best, go from one extreme to another  or one mood to another. I  just love being a women!