Friday, September 28, 2012

Oh well!

I just checked my lottery tickets, I wanted to be able to say I won  , but of course, notta.  Now I have to think of what I want to say, for the last week, writers block still continues, and my enthusiasm is pretty much on a down hill spiral kinda of thing! My not so exciting blog is just that, not so exciting, what could I say every day is the same old, same old!  I know someone out there has to be going through the same thing I am, please God it can not be only me!  This weekend, let me think how busy is my schedule, oh right not busy at all! LOL  Next weekend we are all going to Delaware to watch my cousins son play football, before game we are having a tailgate party which should be fun, lots of great food, which of course I will not be able to eat a lot of because I have a Lap Band.  If you do not know what it is, its a band that wraps around your stomach so you eat only little portions of food. Food use to be my everything, that's why of course,I was fat. If I was bored food was my best friend and I was so dependent on it to make me feel good!  Well not always good because when I looked into the mirror I was by far not a happy women!  Now with 60lbs lighter and still trying to lose more I feel great but at times I still miss my best friend (food) who knows maybe that's why I am confused. Only kidding, I am so used to it now that food is not # 1 in my life anymore and new things have replaced it!  The problem with me is I get bored so easy with things, I just need that one thing that pops and I will fly with it!  I just hope I don't die before I find it!  LOL 

Dreary day!

It is a really rainy dreary Friday here in the state of New Jersey, but you know what, so what its Friday and oh so happy!  I love weekends because, I could be my own boss and do not have to answer to anyone!  There are no questions ask, and I could be just plain old me, which I happen to like, when I am not a raving manic that is.   All the stress of the work place has been coming home to my personal life way to much!  What to do about it is always the question I ask myself, and there never is an answer or a solution!  I love what I do, but sometimes it just gets to me. I find in life that there is never no easy ways of getting around things, that is why I am the way I am.  A strong minded women, with loads of opinions, maybe not  all good ones, but not afraid to voice my feelings no matter what!  Over the top sometimes, it depends on what type of person you are talking to, I might hear that from a person that when talking to,they are as stiff as a cardboard or a whole lot worse!  I learned from experience, and I ask myself would I want to be that type of person and my answer is always HELL NO!  LOL My promise to myself is to leave the stress at the workplace and treat my family with the love and respect they deserve, because when push comes to shove that's the only thing that matters!