Thursday, October 18, 2012

Oh boy!!!!!!

It is turning out to be a day from hell, it really is unbelievable how a good day can turn into such a bad day!!  To many personalities for sure, makes for a really bad day!  Lottery where Art thow?  LOL  Oh, crap, just kidding, all is not that bad, its just another day to get though and the good old weekend will be here!  I just keep saying one more day, one more day, one more day!  My son calls to tell me my nephew has gotten him into selling vitamins, and guess who has to get involve, you got it me!  How do I get involve with all this stuff I will never know!  I really cannot picture Robbie asking people do you want to buy vitamins, so not him, so mom to the rescue!  I will try to give it a go, who knows this could bring in the big bucks, LOL  Yea right!