Monday, May 21, 2012

Rude people! Not good!

I hate rude people, especially when it is someone you know, it happen to me over weekend and it is so unbelievably rude especially when someone is doing you a favor! All I could say is thank you lord for me being me. I might be over the top, I might say things before I think, I might have issues behind close doors, but I never and I do mean never take or have attitude with people I know no matter what age or person it is! All I could say is it is so uncool to be that way and I am so glad I am the way I am!  Proud to be me for sure!!!  It really is in the genes thank you MOM!!!


Weekend was so beautiful in the great state of New Jersey, and than this, rain rain and more rain, they are saying till at least Thursday....  NOOOOOOOOOOOOO  not good, now I know it will be a long week at work and an aggravating week for sure!!!  Oh well whats a women to do, chins up  and bare it!!!  We are durable for sure!!!  LOL