Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Its me again!

Just a mention, I thought if you all would like to follow me on Facebook that would be great! Not that I have a lot of blogger followers as of yet, not that exciting for sure hence the name Not so exciting maybe a little. LOL anyway it is  facebook.com/fdelaurasmith  or if that does'nt work which it should my name is Fran Delaura Smith.  Hope to see you all in the facebook world! 

Blogger friends!

Hi Blogger friend followers,  I thought you might want to follow my Facebook page it is Facebook.com/fdelaurasmith  I am not the most exciting person hence the blog page name of notsoexcitingmaybealittle  LOL. But I am trying my best.  I think the only exciting people in the world are the ones that have oddles of money, but I have been learning that money is not always happiness.  Oh alright, I always wanted to say that! See  you latter!

Oh yes it is!

It is 1:33pm  USA time and I am counting down to 4:30 when I am outta of here and being outside in the beautiful weather we are having! Can not wait!  I love this kind of weather just right not super hot and not cold. Like a perfect storm it is the perfect weather!

Hello everyone!

Oh my god, why am I saying that, who the heck knows why just feel like it! LOL Beautiful day here in New Jersey, and  I am stuck in the office wondering why I did not hit the lottery yet!  Only kidding, well kinda kidding I am waiting for that lottery win and than my life will be complete! I have my son and hubby, but I so want to be in Tuscany Italy with white wine in my hand on a beautiful day looking at the beautiful land surrounding me.  Oh well, a person can dream right!  One day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!