Monday, May 7, 2012

See that Smile!

On the face of my blog, I truly am trying to keep that smile but it is harder each and every day! I have no Idea how we will get threw this economy crisis, but I pray a miracle happens soon.  The struggles are endless and I wish it goes back to the way it was! I am sure it is everywhere, and we are not in this alone. I have to believe there will be a silver lining  at the end of all this! 

Productive weekend!

If I say so myself,  I did get a lot of things done around the house planted plants clean more of the backyard, it does not take much to make me happy, I love when I get things done that need to be done.  I do have to get to Kesslers to see Brian,  he is in my thoughts all the time and I need to make a point to get there, my plan was to go on Tuesday, but now we have a funeral to go to for my husbands Uncle. One thing after another it seems. But I will get there to see him this week, no matter what!.  I am hearing he is improving slowly but is consistent, that is all that matters.....