Okay, here it goes, sounds simple but its not, drum roll please, my son his heading to shore with his friend and now begins a day of worry!. I know come on the shore, Fran really let the kid grow up! I have made a pledge to myself not to make my first call till late afternoon, and come hell or high water I am going to stick to that! Do you want to know what is going on in this mind of mine, NO, well your going to hear it anyway. First I think of sharks, and than riptides and whatever else pops into this brain of mine. I have loads of friends and family that would crucified me right now! Let the kid grow up Let the kid grow up! Okay you guys are all right, I am going to let him grow up! But I will be praying to God at the top of my lungs watch over him please. That's okay right? LOL Later my friends! You are all such good listeners