Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bad mood!

Tell me if you think I am right or wrong or if you do not want to voice your opinion, that's find by me too, as long as I could vent.  I went outside to do morning chores in back yard.  For a month and a half there is this burner with a propane tank attach to it where I keep the dogs. It was used to boil a big pot of water for the trays you  hold food to keep it warm , it was used when we had my sons birthday/graduation party in early June. I think I have ask my husband for the last month to get it out of there and he always says he will, at least a good 50 times.  Well today I did not ask any more I insisted and lost my patience to the point we had this argument and he said he is not doing it at all!  So okay act like a baby, I call my brother-in-law to come over tonight and disconnect it and put in garage for me! I'm right I do not care what anyone thinks, there is no reason at all something that should have been done the next day is still there so long after!  What really kills me is we did not need it in the first place, for years we always just boiled water on stove and put it in the warmer trays fast, easy and done with no drama whats so ever! Acting like a big baby really give me a break already will ya! Get it done whats so hard about that! Do I really need to get someone to do this when he should, I don't think so!