Monday, July 2, 2012

Wrong Day!

Made for a wasted ride for Rob's audition, it was not today but for July 16. So as of now we wait again! I was so excited to see the outcome.  Well at least he could practice and practice to get the part down pat. Now onto me and the Doctor and whatever he recommends for me! I really hate all this Doctor stuff, but I learned, that when a problem with your body starts you have to take action for it right away and do not wait!
I had a lot of people I love make some wrong decisions and I have lost them. They always say you learn from others mistake, which I am not happy at all about and It is not worth the loss of ones life to learn by example.  All I really could say is when you know and feel something is not right head straight to Doctors and forget the fact that it is a pain in the butt. It could save you life.

On his way!

My son's on his way to the audition, hope all go's well and they like him. That would be such a good start for him and get his face out there.  He practice all night long for the part.  He really did good, but of course we are his parents so time will tell!  Had a relaxing weekend and enjoyed myself but still have the stomach issues to deal with so going to Doctor at 4:00pm today.  I hate specialist never could get an appointment after working hours. Why is that?  They make it so difficult for us! Ways of the world, what could you do!  So I will fill you in on outcome as soon as it comes in!!  If you care! LOL