Friday, June 8, 2012

Proud mom Indeed!

I said it once and I will say it a trillion times, I am one proud mom, Robbie received his scholarship monies yesterday for college . I was so proud of him and so are the teachers who chose him for the scholarship. I found out this morning he received it because the teachers voted for him and that made me even happier. His counselor Mrs Mishir said he work hard and came a long way and deserved it!  She also said that knowing the type of parents we are that will will push him to keep it up, and last but not least she thank us for being great parents, how cool is that!  The best job in the world is to be a parent and she thanked me!  The next 4 years is going to be a challenge, but I am up for it!  What I mean by that is Robbie is the type of kid that wants it all, just like most all kids and I have to remind him that the rewards will come in time and be well worth it! Never give up is going to be a big part of my vocabulary for quite some time!

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