Friday, May 25, 2012

So ready!

So ready for this 3 day weekend, like I am sure most of the universe is also!!  Sat and Sun. busy with parties and lots of running around, but Monday (Memorial Day) itself just and I mean just some good R&R for me. I just want to sleep and relax all day long with no drama or aggravation of any kind. To all my blogger buddies and people that check out my blog, have a great big wonderful, beautiful 3 day weekend, and remember no drama, calm is the word of the day!!!

All done!!

Went to register Robbie in UCC last night, he is now officially ready for the fall semester, I really cannot believe my little boy is now going to college. I love that kid big time.  We have our little fights, you know the mom, I know what I need to do, or mom, I know already, leave me alone I am not a baby mode.  How about mom I am 18 years old you know, but he never once said I will not listen and do not have to listen to you, not once. He really does have a good head on his shoulders and I am so damm proud of him!!! Will keep you informed of everything that is going on!  Even if you don't care!!! LOL