Monday, September 10, 2012

Long Monday!

Today, is going by so slow, can not wait till 4:30 and do what I need to get done at home!  Having a very restless type of day, if you know what I mean! Like my mine is jumping all over the place and I have no Idea why!  Phones are quite, at office, that drives me crazy the most!  I need to stay busy or I feel like the walls are closing in on me, not a good feeling at all!  I would love to be able to come and go as I would like, but we all know you need to be your own boss to do that. LOL  Dreams, keep dreaming Fran, sometimes dreams come true, especially if you dream enough! I will hold that thought my friends, not giving that one up just yet!

Fall is in the air!

Love , love, love it , did I tell you I loved it, LOL  Fall is almost here, I love the colors the smells the fresh crisp air the holidays the everything about it! I do hate raking leaves and the clean up, but a person cannot have everything!  Best time of year in my book!  Had a very nice weekend, sharing it with family and friends!  Finishing it off was watching Peyton Manning do his stuff!  He's backkkkkkkkkkkk!!!  LOL
So glad he is back to resume his career, and continue to be the great Quarterback we all know he is!  Whether your a fan or not, you always have to respect one of the best!  He proved it last night! He got it done.  Football season is here fall is in the air and Holidays coming with friends and family, Health is good, what else can a person ask for!  Let me think, oh yea to hit the lottery!  LOL!