Monday, June 18, 2012

Off to Doctors tonight!

After a full week and a half of having abdominal pains with not much relief in site, and managing to get through the party I planned on Sat for my son it is time for the Doctor tonight at around 6PM. Pain on right side is always there and me being the doctor I think I am has some opinions on this situation! LOL It could be one of three things no make that four things, 1) gas,  2) lapband 3) appendix 4) hernia. I know when I go there tonight it will be a waste because all they will say is you have to have test done!  I saw dread all that stuff and if the pain would have went away I would not even be going tonight, and my whole family would have killed me for sure if I did not!  Unfortunately the pain is still there and before anything happen like it bust or something I have to go big time! With the August trip around the corner, it will be hear before you know it can not take any chances of not taking care of this problem now.  So wish me luck and I will fill you in on results!!!