Friday, September 21, 2012

Last day of summer!

It comes and goes so quick, time to put the Lawn furniture away and get everything ready for the coming months! Holidays with friends and family and everything in between make me miss all my love ones who are gone even more. They are in my heart always, that will never go away!  Its a time to reflect on the past and a time to look to the future! Its a time to sit in front of a crackling fire place with a big wool blanket and a hot cup of cocoa with marshmallows of course (can't forget them) close your eyes and thank God for everything and everyone he blessed you with in your journey of life! When you feel low like I do sometimes, I always reflect on my passed and a smile is back on my face or a tear ( but in a good way) when I remember my Grandfather saying to me, come on Francine here's money for an Ice Cream cone and than we would sit on lawn chairs in front of the house watching the passersby go by.  Great and wonderful moments in my life, never to be forgotten! I have all of those memories with a lot of new ones and even more new ones to come!