Friday, April 13, 2012


Not that anyway gives a hoot , well us women do, I am talking about the statement of women working at home, of is it work to be a stay at home mom. Well yes it is work to be a stay at home mom of course it is! but the statement of Hilary Rosen was not, at least in my eyes meant to say it was,nt what she was saying and of course what I think was she never went out and work in any job, part time or full time like most women do!  For them to have it on all news channels and make this into a big debate really makes me sick! Of course this not surprise me with a election right around the corner to make this into the debate of the year!  I could think of a lot of other topics to debate than this nonsensical crap!   If it was not a democrat who said it about a republican who would even care, would it even be a story!  Hell no!