Thursday, June 7, 2012

Memory of my dream!

I was reading an article a young women wrote about dreams she had and would write about. It brought back a beautiful dream I would have a lot and it always brought me back to a time, that I swear I felt I lived there.  It always started with a large house and I mean large like a mansion type.  I remember the rooms as if I lived there and even the furniture was so real, It had this gigantic room with the most beautiful furniture and a fireplace and so much more, it felt so so real, but the best part of the dream is when I wanted to hide and I would go though these secret rooms and no one could find me.  I would be reading or painting and it was such a beautiful feeling of calm and peacefulness. I would wake up in the morning and always remember that dream because it felt more real to me there than being where I was!  I had the same dream for years and I can still picture it now as if it was yesterday!! Going to sleep for me was magical!  I sometimes wonder if I really was there in another time!  There was no faces and people just me and this magical mansion in a place I truly believe I once was.

Horoscope says!

It says stay out of drama with a little more added to that, but really are you kidding me, drama is my middle name. LOL Drama follows me around like a fish in water, (I used that saying could not think of another one so fast) anyway, drama finds me all the time for some reason.  I start days of saying great day and than the drama follows almost always.  I have tried relaxation tapes something like meditation Cd's. and who come in either my husband or son and they say what are you doing, I say meditating and they just laugh and say I am nuts. People pay big money for that kind of stuff and they think I am nuts, go figure. I will lay on the bed close my eyes and listen to the waves and sounds on the Cd and than I hear mom, mom, mom, of course I am in a calm state so I do not answer, if I told him once I told him 100 times when you see me laying in bed and not answering I am not dead I am meditating (lol) and still he needs to brake my calm for me to answer him.  I love him to death but will he ever learn is the question! That is where the drama begins, and the Italian temper comes flying!  You want drama you got it!!!

Start of a new day!

Beautiful weather at least right now, feeling good about myself  is a plus of course and very excited because my son Rob will be presented tonight with his scholarship, another proud moment added to the many I have experienced with him! He will officially graduate on June 19th but next Sat. we are having his graduation/ birthday party at the same time, have no time at all to throw two separate shin digs with the Virginia and California trips coming.  Only so much time in a day as they say LOL. I have to say this is going to be a busy, busy summer and it will fly by so face it is going to make my head spin.  Fun stuff for sure guys, now the next big thing to do win the Lottery than my life will be complete!!! LOL Later my friends!