Thursday, October 11, 2012

Moving along!

That's what I do, just one more day added to the daily grind!  I play my lottery hoping like all of us, hoping  that when I look down at them my numbers will match theirs, LOL.  I know, I know but a person could dream right!  I will never give up that dream and I promise you one day I will get on this blog and tell you I hit it the big one!  Life is good and I am happy with what I was blessed with, but a little extra fun along the way will not hurt!  This week flew by big time which is good because another fun filled weekend is on the horizon and I am ready for it!  I like to give updates on my son, he still going strong in school and I am so happy about it!   Acting school is coming along good also and getting him ready for Jan. when his part begins, that's when he will be super busy!   Getting really excited about it!  Halloween right around the corner and getting ready for that!  I started buying the candy and it seem I am buying everything I like, not such a good Idea, I do not want the leftovers on this one!  Its funny, with the lap-band you could eat junk food but for me the proteins like chicken and beef I have a problem with! So promise to my self  "NO CANDY", repeat "NO CANDY" , okay who am I kidding absolutely no one! Later my friends!