Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I love Tim Tebow!

I now have mixed feeling about this! Giants are my team, always and forever, Now Tim Tebow is going to the Jets, hate Mark Sanchez big time (hates a strong word, maybe not fond of is better) lol. I will follow Jets now because I could see it coming, they will use Tebow when Sanchez messes up! It will be interesting to watch what happens as the season moves along.  It will be like watching reality TV, drama, drama and more drama!

Love this picture of me!

The picture with my blogs name, (the header picture). I like it because that day my great big smile, is the way I want to be all the time. Not a worry in the world and the feeling that all is good. People try to wipe that smile off, but being the strong minded person I am it is not  possible! So I say to those people, stop wasting your time and mine!  That smile is staying right where it should be, on my face!  So there, take that!  LOL

$290m MegaMillions Jackpot!

Okay, now this I want, me and trillions of people. But it is mine, LOL positive attitude will make me win this.
From now until the drawing I will keep it in my mine that I will win, I will win, I know I will win this. Now mine you, you do not say I think I am going to win, its I will win this.  I have read so many positive energy books, I have this down pat. Remember positive thinking and its yours! I will be back with the good news when it arrives. LOL

Life and Surprises!

Life is full of surprises, you just take one day at a time and who knows, you can have the surprise of your life!. I love waking up and knowing each and everyday, no matter the mood I am in, is another day, I have to spend with family and friends.  I could have bad days at work and be in such a bad mood, but by the end of the day it all comes to one thing, at least I have a job to complain about!  Some people are struggling to find that, but I know it seems hard but I really believe that some things happen for reasons, and better things follow!

Bella,My Shih Tzu!

She is almost due to have her puppies. So excited , this is a 3rd litter, her first was a litter of 5 and the 2nd was a litter of 3. Right now she looks like a litter of 5 unless she has really big puppies. She is such a good girl. Looking forward to the new puppies arrival.