Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Day

First post all weekend, no chance with the holiday and all the running around!  All in all it was very nice.  Brian is on the road to recovery, do not know how badly damage his brain is as of now, but something tells me we are going to get the old Brian back!  When you are told that he is going to most not likely come out of the coma and the next day his eyes open and he understands the command of what you are saying, you have to know that anything is possible with the brain. He is a fighter for sure and I have a feel good feeling that he will be the way he used to be!  It will not happen overnight, but it will happen. 100% sure of it!

Friday, April 6, 2012

So Happy!

Brian is improving, slowly but surely he is coming along! His mom said his eyes were open and he was watching TV and is responding to request to squeeze their hand.  He has not spoken yet because he has tubes down his throat, but he is trying to push it out with his tongue. It is a start and we could not be happier for this miracle that God has given. Keep the prayers coming please because his journey is just beginning! 

Leaving work Early today!

So happy leaving early today, want to go to hospital to see how Brian is making out and see the family!
No matter how much I try to take my mind off of it, there is no way in hell I can.  I just pray a miracle will happen and he comes out of the coma. Time will tell, it just  the wait is so agonizing for all!

Good Friday!

Today is Good Friday, may all good things happen to all, and to all I love!, May God help Brian come back to all that love and need him!  I pray dear lord our savior in all that is holy!  Brian open his eyes yesterday and squeeze his dad's hand 4 times on command! The doctors still say he is in a coma, maybe he is but I truly think he is trying to come back to those he loves, and he will!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Ruff time today!

Last night I was told the news about Brian and what is going on, I wonder why I felt blank and did not express tears at that moment! I now realize I was in shock and numb and it was so surreal to me.  Today is another story. Of course I am at work and have to do what I have to do, but it is so so hard to stop crying and thinking about him and the family!  I wonder why things happen, how does God pick and choose what happens to people and why! I have to say I wish it was me and not him.  Last week I had a near fatal situation but for unknown reasons it turned out okay!  I would in a heartbeat have switch places with Brian for it to have been the other way around!  His life is just beginning, with so much for him to do and see!  The worse part is I can not accept this as being right, and for any reason at all!  Please God I do not want to loose my faith in you, I truly do not, I just need you to give me and everyone a little hope that he will be able to continue the rest of his life and experience all he was suppose to do! Please, Please, Please I pray to you dear Lord to let there be a miracle and give him back the quality of life he so deserves dear Lord of ours!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Very Sad!

Words can not describe how the people I care about are feeling right now, their son was in a motorcycle accident, and is fighting right now to come out of a coma!  God please, I know you see and hear all, please, please I beg you help Brian come back to all that love him! Please let him have a chance at a full and joyful life with his love ones!  He is a great kid with a good good heart and he is needed by all!  I pray to you, God and know you hear me and all of us in this time of need!