Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Words of the day!

Drum roll please,  Thank God it is 1:00 in the afternoon and not I just start the work day with 8 hrs (can not say the words I really would like to say, never know who's watching!!!  LOL

Monday, November 26, 2012

Love these sayings!

I sound like one angry women, but I am not just love these sayings and they are true!
Garma is a bitch!
What comes around goes around!
Every dog has his day!
Payback is a bitch!
Crap, now my mine went blank, know there is a lot more than this!  LOL

Reach for that dream!

Reach for the dream, stretch your arms out pull it in, its all there for the taking! The mine is a wonderful thing, just believe and go for it!

Just another thought!

God I am sick of this place, big time. Why didn't I listen to people who loved me when I was younger  telling me I could be what ever I want to be as long as I apply myself!  Of course I did not listen, but I wish I would have. There I go again with the would have, could have, should have syndrome. I swore I was not going to say that again! Just goes to show you I don't even listen to myself!

To all young women!

To all the young women out there, a word from the wise, well not so wise because if I was I would not be in the shoes I am today, meaning having to deal with everyday verbal nonsense day in and day out. Be your own person, independent and educated. I do not mean give up on love, I mean if love does not work out you can just move on and don't look back!


There are so many would haves, could haves, and should haves said in this world, but from my
own experiences the only thing that really matters is the now and your future endeavors that matter the most! The crying over the past never gets anyone anywhere, this coming from the mouth of me!


Just check my lottery numbers I had 3 out of 5 on Jersey cash 5 which got me $11.00 and the powerball number which got me $4.00.  I see an omen here my friends and that omen is the powerball is coming my way!
Now tell me, wouldn't that be a wonderful and glorious Christmas present! LOL