Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Tree is going up tonight  and decorating Sat. Just saying!  Do you care, I hope so!  LOL

Monday, December 3, 2012

So much on plate!

Hi all, I have so much on my plate right now, feeling a little overwhelmed.  Believe me I am not complaining, well maybe a little.  LOL  I am the type of person that needs everything just so, one of a very few phobia's I have, the other being if you touch my curtains, watch out!  When the holidays come I feel like there is no way on earth I will accomplish what needs to be done and before you know it, Christmas is here I did it with no problem. The problem is I get so nervous about it and it takes a lot of the joy out of it for me. This year I think I have paced myself a little better, but than I decide to start a little business venture which I believe you all know what it is " Alfonso's Homestyle Italian meatballs"  and now between that and the holidays I think I kinda of did it again to myself and all the anxiety is setting in , big time!  I want to get it started right away, while the plate is hot!  I have everything in the works as I speak, and now I have to just approve the label and start making the meatballs all while I get ready for the holidays!!!  ekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!   Okay, now I am calming myself down and saying everything will be good, everything will turn out fine, calm yourself down and breath, long deep breathes. I refuse to have a heart attack just because I think my meatballs will be the best in the world, and Christmas came at the wrong time LOL.  I feel so much better now that I let you all know how I feel!!   Later friends! 

Friday, November 30, 2012

Remarkably successful people do!

I just read a great article on yahoo small business advisor title Eight things remarkably successful people do!  This makes sense to me and for once I could relate to something that was not over my head!
Good read, take a look for yourself! Going to make this article my diary for my new venture!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

So excited!

I have finally made the move I always wanted to make, thinking of all the possibilities that might be open to us!  World he we come!

Alfonso's !

Alfonso's homestyle meatballs is now off and running! Heres to meatball lovers all around the world!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Words of the day!

I had a dream last night and this saying just kept popping up, I repeated it in my mine and was to lazy to get out of bed to write it down. I said to myself I will remember it, no way I would forget!  I wanted to write it in my blog because it sounded so great!  Well guess what for the life of me I can not remember the saying, but the feel good feeling it gave me still is there!  Go figure!


My husband makes the best meatballs ever. We are telling him all the time we have to patten this recipes and start selling them!  Me being Italian and the only other meatballs I ever loved were my Grandma's and that was it!  My husband tried and tried to make meatballs for years and than wham bam thank you Mame (LOL) he created the perfect one! They are a hit no matter where we go, if we make 75 meatballs there gone if we make over a 100 they are gone!  People always ask who made the meatballs they are great!  Let me tell you all meatballs are not always good and tasty , trust me I know from experience, whenever we go out to eat and meatballs are on the menu we buy them and not one of them have even come close to how good my husbands are. So now I have to figure out out how to get them out there to the public and get it moving!  Food products are a lot harder to get started than other Ideas because of health issues involved!  I just can not give up on this Idea, because they are just so dame good! Oh well wish me luck because I am going to need it!