Friday, March 23, 2012

Aries Update 3/23/12

It reads: You are a leader, and being a leader requires a certain amount of audacity. You'll make claims and assessments!  LOL, a leader the only thing I lead is taking my dogs outside to do their peep and poop poop, sorry sound gross but true.  If you call a control freak a leader than that I am, which gives me a lot of audacity.  I do make claims and assessments, like what is wrong with you people, clean up your mess, can you please put dirty dishes in sink and wash them. How many times do I have to tell you, that is pretty much my claims and assessments every day of the week!  I really could go on and on about my leadership qualities, I have plenty more to share. Lets just save it for another day!!!  See Ya!  Follow me

Feel good mood!

Just feeling happy, if you ask me why I do not have a clue.  Yesterday the day from hell today a great day! Am I manic, I don't think so, I know I'm not, generally always in a good mood but there are days I just want to pull my hair out!  Lots of things going on in my life, and putting things in order could be overwhelming for sure!  So let me put my Dr.Smith hat on and diagnose myself, okay you are fine and the weekend is here and you are with the people you love so all is good! Now I feel great!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Lawn furniture!

That's my son Robbie for you, he is so ready for the warm weather, that after work today he informed me we are having hamburgers and hot dogs and my sister and husband are coming over! He went out to get burger rolls!  I would not mine, but already and on a week day!  I am sure he is uncovering the table and chairs in the back yard as we speak!  Gotta love it!!!  LOL

Aries Update 3/22/12

It reads and I quote: You're compassionate because you too, have failed and come to an understanding with yourself and those around you. It is right that I am a very compassionate person for other people.  They are right when it says I understand failure because I have failed plenty of times.  It all depends on what failures you are talking about. There are lots of failures for sure, but one failure I have a hard time with is if you do drugs and drinking and you refuse help and or you go for help and still go back to doing what you did, I have a very hard time with that! Because, it effects everything and everyone around you.  I, think I feel more compassion for the family than I sometimes do for the person it is happening to. I have seen first hand what it puts the people around them through, when they get the help and go back and do it again and again and again!  My compassion for them and failure ends there for me plain and simple!

Almost Friday!

Can not believe how the week is flying by, love my weekends so much, just enjoy family time, and relaxation! Nothing better in the world than when you feel content with life!  I always tell you I am an up and down person!  Restless one minute and content the next!  It all depends on the vibes that surround you! Negativity can bring you down big time! 

Powerball win in New Jersey!

I was so excited, because you all know I am going to win, right! LOL I went into store this morning and asked if anyone won the power ball, the store clerk said yes, it was someone from NJ needless to say I had this feeling it was me, as soon as I got to work I checked my numbers and had 3 numbers not all of them! LOL That's okay I still have the Mega that one is mine! positive attitude remember!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Fish and a Lap Band!

For me do not mix, sick to my stomach and I think it is not digesting to well so the next step might be throwing up the fish! If you know anything about a band if it does not digest and go though the band than there is a chance you will throw it up, which is happening to me now!  Some people have no problems with foods I seem to have a few more than most!  Still, in the end I am still a happy person with it!