Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Very Sad!

Words can not describe how the people I care about are feeling right now, their son was in a motorcycle accident, and is fighting right now to come out of a coma!  God please, I know you see and hear all, please, please I beg you help Brian come back to all that love him! Please let him have a chance at a full and joyful life with his love ones!  He is a great kid with a good good heart and he is needed by all!  I pray to you, God and know you hear me and all of us in this time of need!

Friday, March 30, 2012



Mary Kay Cosmetics


Aries update!

I do not feel like writing it down today but it is right about my excitement I am having and the smile on my face that can not seem to be wiped off !  You know I am finding out that dreams and positive feelings can really make a day. I promise you even when all of this is said and done,you all know what I mean I hope by now.  I know that something good is going to happen whether it is tonight, a couple of days next week whenever it is, I know it will happen. Being a positive person makes you have the confidence that all good things come to those that are good!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

One more day till the big one!

Its mine and I know it! LOL no really I have this overwhelming feeling of something good coming! I know it is this, believe me when I say ,I do not always have this feeling!  It feels like a dream, so real but when you wake up you still feel like it happen!  It might be a dream, so I hope I don't wake up because right now it feels like my life is about to change!  If it does not, at least it felt good thinking it would!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Not so Exciting? Maybe a little!: Help!

Not so Exciting? Maybe a little!: Help!: I am so new at blogging, if anyone hears me, how do I get this blog notice, like I said not so exciting life maybe a little! LOL  Do you ha...

Not so Exciting? Maybe a little!: Aries Update 3/28/12

Not so Exciting? Maybe a little!: Aries Update 3/28/12: It reads and I quote: You'll take controlled action instead of reacting from a place of fear and anxiety.  The only time I felt fear and an...