Thursday, January 3, 2013

Horoscope update: Aries 1-03-13

It reads There's a challenge before you. Will you do what others expect of you, or will you let yourself do the things you need to do to succeed?  I will have to say both, because what other expect me to do, they are the things that I know I need to do! I will also do what I need to do to succeed in what I feel will be very successful venture! I will not let negative thoughts and doubts creep in and destroy my dreams this time!  Been there and done that!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Horoscope update ( Aries 1/02/13)

It reads and I quote: You feel driven now, but can you keep this up in the months to come? Make a long term plan that includes checkpoints.  My answer to that is your damn straight I am driven, and what a good feeling it is. Can I keep up, you bet your ass I could and the checklist and checkpoints is a great Idea to keep everything rolling and getting it all done!!!   I am beyond ready!!!  LOL

Monday, December 31, 2012

Aries Update: 12/31/12

It reads and I quote: If you feel restricted and can pin it on a certain reason or person, consider yourself lucky. Most people don't realize how they are being limited. This fits me to a tee, I do feel that I just want to spread my wings and fly, and what I am doing in my life is getting old and I want to do other things, knowing the reasons does not mean that you could change your whole life overnight though! I know the reasons that is for sure, but what are my capabilities of doing what I want to do is the questions I need to address first and foremost in my life! Restless, yes that I know, what I need to do about it is the problem I need to solve.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Alfonso's Homestyle Italian meatballs!

Alfonso's meatballs will be sold at Big Al's deli (south wood ave. Linden) beginning Jan, 15th and remember Big Al's has the best subs in town.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Well guys, it is here, I just love this time of year, some humbugs ask me why and I say because it is the only time of the year when people are united and full of love and kindness for each other! If everyday could be like Christmas time the world would be a better place! I hope all your dreams and wishes come true and you all have a wonderful holiday!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


I sit here and try to go about my day, I do fine and than waves of saddest overwhelm me time and time again!  I did not know any of the loss souls that perished in the Sandy Hook elementary school, like so many of us but now they are a part of me !  Holidays are around the corner and we all have to go about our business, celebrate, smile, go on as always, that is the way of life, the old saying is life goes on, no ifs and buts about it.  My promise to myself is that each and every time I feel sad, I will remember all the angels smiling down on me, I will feel their hugs and warmth all around me and let them bring light and happiness into my life. I feel, that God would have never taken them away, for no reason at all, I have to believe there is a purpose and a reason. I believe in angels, and it comforts my soul to know that 27 more beautiful angels will be opening their wings and give warmth to my heart and soul.