Thursday, March 15, 2012

Aries update 3-15-12

Hello all its me again, back with my opinion of my horoscope reading today, It says and I quote, You may be amazed at the lack of humor in the world, but you'll do something to remedy the situation. You'll shine as you do what you have fun doing!  Okay, you have got to be kidding me, I work with people everyday who have as much humor as chop liver!  I am use to being around not so humorous folks it is not a surprise to me at all!  I wake up with a smile on my face day in and day out, I love people, and I enjoy talking to them. You always can tell if a person is happy or just plain out miserable. I always do what I like to do most and that is having a great big smile 24/7! Nothing better than that to me.  Smile!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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