Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Aries Update- 3/20/12 (my view of course)

It reads and I quote: You have the sense that the world is full of promise and that you're just the one to make it good. It's as though the sky was painted for you alone and the angels are awaiting your orders. I have to tell you I am the type that feels the world is full of promise for everyone but I really do not feel I am the one to make everything good!  I would love to and there are people out there really trying to do just that.  If the angels are waitning for me to give the orders, they have a long wait lol.  Just kidding, I would love to put my arms around the whole big wide world of ours and give a great big hug to make everything all right in the world, but as an adult I know that is impossible. Oh how I wish I was a child again and everything was brand new in there eyes and the world was perfect and right!

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