Saturday, March 17, 2012

Pictures worth a thousand words

Home for the night early maybe, but had a great time.  Nice to be home after being out so long.  I have 5 dogs, yes I sad 5 Max, a Rat Terrier 4 Shih tzu  Benji, Bella, Baily, Brie they are great dogs so you hate to leave them alone for all those hours but you have to do what you have to do!  When my sister and her husband comes over she swears she is walking into a dog kennel LOL  Over ex-saturated for sure but that's my sister for you!
Having a Shih Tzu, is like having a child, they are super family oriented and love to be with you all the time. Max on the other hand is independent and fight once in the while with Benji. They are all part of our family and I love it,as soon as I get my son to help me get pictures up you all will see them. Like my blog says not so exciting maybe a little. I don't have the excitement of traveling around the world , but let me tell you I do have excitement of all sorts of situations is my everyday sometimes boring life. LOL , stay tune and you shall see. Time to go my drink of the night was a girly Mud Slide, had about 4 and feeling a buzz, so what does this person do (me) go to sleep!  Goodnight my I do not know you friends!   

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