Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Aunt Connie!

Today is my Aunt Connie's and Aunt Dolores's birthdays, they are twins, but sadly my Aunt Connie passed away a short time ago, the memories I have with these two woman are such a big part of my life. They both hold a piece of it and always will. Aunt Connie, I miss you each and every day!  I did not have to see you everyday to know that if I needed you, you would be there for me.  I miss that a lot, you are part of my heart always.  Aunt Dolores, what could I say, strong beautiful and a good human being!  This is a ruff day for you and I know you loved your sister immensely! I take comfort in knowing she is in heaven with people that love her so much, when her time came they were waiting for her at those pearly gates with open arms! Love you both, and all the memories of my growing up years, you two are such a big part of it!  XXOO

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