Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Back to UCC !

That means back to the college with my son right after work today!  I told him once you retake test go to counselor and than the finance dept. and set everything up, well guess what he did not, I said why Rob he said lines were to long.  I want to strangle him because now I have to go with him to get it done!!  I love him to death but sometimes, just sometimes I would like to ring his neck. LOL  At least I could have a sense of humor about it, I figure if I didn't I would only be hurting myself in the long run!  It really would not be worth having a heart attack about it, next best thing is to just go along with the flow!!! Fax proof to College about check so the women is working on it! Once all is done, my life as I once knew will be back to normal!!  Wait a minute, what am I saying my life has never been normal!!!

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