Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hernia almost positive!

Went to Doctor and she is pretty sure it is a flare up and now for more test and most likely an operation, all I could say is thank God it happen now and not for my August vacation, did not get insurance for flight. I know stupid mistake what could I say!! Brains has not been a strong suit for most of my life why change it now. LOL  I hate when everything changes, not a good quality of mine for sure. I also hate the idea of having to get an operation again.  I know me though I will bounce back right away, I hate being idle to long, just not me.  I did speak with someone who said you feel much better in a few days, you just cannot and he said cannot pick up anything at all heavy. So this time I will follow orders for sure!  In pain right now as I write this, but there is no way I will miss my sons Graduation ceremony tonight, I waited for this day all my life and now here it is! Tomorrow I go for a test and Monday of next week back to Doctor, as long as no more issues come up I could take it slow!  It is what it is and there is nothing I could do about it! Think positive Fran is all I could say to myself!

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