Monday, July 23, 2012

Hi my friends!

I had an enjoyable Sunday , I went to my nephews Birthday party, they had  in a park and it was a beautiful day, he turned 2 years old. You had to see his face when he got this motorized Escalade Cadillac vehicle it was priceless! His grandparents bought it for him (my sister and brother-in-law) they have been telling him you are getting your car on your birthday, he ran so fast when he seen it, it was just so adorable and that face of his spoke volumes.  What else could I say than that.  Nice people nice day and nice weather make for an awsome and wonderful day! I hope you all had a great weekend or what ever time zone your soon to be weekend!  I love when things just go so right with no drama at all and that was the kinda of day I had! Perfect just perfect!

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