Thursday, July 19, 2012

What to write about!

Generally I just write whatever pops out of this brain of mine, and right now not much is happening or interesting enough to even bother talking about!.  I hate that, because I am in the mood to write, but my brain is not. Does that make sense or am I talking stupid again!  I was reading some topics I could talk about but not in the mood for that!  When I write, I very seldom write about the ways of the world!  I like to write more about my world, my inner circle, even if it is not as big and as exciting as most others is!  Its mine, all mine and no one can take it away from me.  I mean no one!  LOL  See ya later, maybe something good will happen.  Boy do I feel bi-polar right now!  Yesterday supper bad mood and today, the world is my oyster!

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