Friday, August 10, 2012

Movie Script!

Rob's movie script was e-mailed to him last night, he is really excited about it!  Lots of action and has a story line that relates to believing in God!  It is a ruff and tumble movie but in the end all can relate to it!  An Independent movie is a lot different than the movies with big budgets.  Even with that being said this is a great chance for him to get his face out there and be notice!  What ever comes outta of it, it will be a great experience for him!  A lot of work will go into it and he wants to give it his all!  You should have seen his face when he was reading it, priceless for sure!  I am one nervous mom here, and I told him the gun scenes had better have blanks in those guns. LOL  Just because he is in a movie does not mean I will not be a worry ward!  He will always be my baby! 

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