Thursday, August 9, 2012

No I'm not dead!

Hi everyone, busy today at the work place, just the way I like it!  First chance to get to say hi and fill you in on a little news!  Last night my son was putting something away in the garage and catastrophe hit, the bridge of his nose that is! His nose he said is getting bigger by the minute.  He is really driving me crazy with the talk of his nose! LOL  It is a little swollen right now , ice was applied and he will be as good as new by the time we leave on vacation! You, try to tell a 19 year old that its like talking to a wall!  He just stop by my office and said mom I need money for lunch and am going to eat my lunch with my big nose!  LMAO I said Robbie your nose is not any bigger than it was yesterday but remember the wall, still there! His world is coming to an end, really.  Well enough said of Rob's nose, stay tune to the drama as it unfolds.  He spoke with his manager and when he was getting the script for his movie part and she said soon, there will also be improv used which means that actions and speech come out spontaneously, he was not happy with that, I said are you kidding that's great you just go with the flow and reacted to the situation, so much more easier than remembering lines, you will love it, you stay in character and just go with the flow!  I just ate lunch, had Chili from Wendy's, now back off to work and let the day just keep moving along! Love to all! Later alligator (corny)

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