Wednesday, August 15, 2012

One more hour and 1 1/2 more days!

One more hour of work and one and 1/2 days to go. I will be: leaving on a jet plane don't know when I'll be back again!  Love the song and for the life of me cannot remember who sings it! (senile moment once again) LOL wait, I need a moment to reflect, no that didn't help  mental block is still there!  Oh, who cares you all have to know the song and soon I will be on that jet plane and off to a wonderful vacation with calm and tranquility at least for one week anyways! I bet you guys are so sick of my vacation talk, so sorry can not help myself, but one good thing will come of it, a lot more to talk about instead of same old, every day boreing stuff!  I have to tell you when I am out and about the one thing It will not be is boreing I promise you that!!  Later, friends around the world!

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