Monday, September 24, 2012

Brand name Items!

Okay here it goes, every time I go shopping, like everyone else I look for bargains. When I go with husband and the son tags along I spend loads more money!  If I crab something and its not a brand name they flip out. I try to tell my son, (husband is pretty much a lost cause already and a waste of time and he is making our son a clone of him) that a lot of the time you are paying for the name more than anything else.  Of course it is all a waste of breath, so I decided to take matters into my own hands.  My son loves A-1 steak so (its the best and that is all there is to it, so he says). Really, I don't think so. When the sauce ran out I purchased America's Choice sold in Pathmark sitting right next to A-1. I put America's Choice steak sauce in A-1 steak sauce bottle and my son has not said one word about it not tasting right at all. He has eaten at least 3 steaks since and not one word of negativity has been made out of his mouth!  I also did it with honey  he has to have Golden Blossom not anything else so you know what I did and again not a word, the only problem with honey it could be pretty messy and sticky and not worth the hassle in the long run.  And even though husband is a lost cause he has come to realize that he likes the Americas Choice chicken breast better than Perdue so go figure that out!  Saving $2 to $3 per item is a big thing to me especially if I am just paying for a name! It really is all in the head! LOL

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